SUCCESS is counted sweetest
By those who ne’er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.
Not one of all the purple host
Who took the flag to-day
Can tell the definition,
So clear, of victory,
As he, defeated, dying,
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Break, agonized and clear.
~Emily Dickinson
Welcome to Light. I dedicate this "space" to mankind, to my family, friends and foes, and all those in the universe(s), baby infinite alternate parallel universes, from smallest of string theory to the farthest reaches of all dimensions, plains, realms and domains of the universe, from all natural to supernatural states, angles and fallen, spirits and entities, demons, orbs, things, to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, from the beginning of time, before and after to all the creations, evolutions and "beings," to all truths and lies, peace and wars, love and hate, and everything between and none, to all races, creeds, sexes and beings, from all religions, agnostics, atheists and all those that don't know or unsure and all and everything under the sun and more to nothing, from magic to dreams within dreams to realism to the unreal, from all that is known and unknown and beyond, to the past, present, future and the zero point, to beliefs and non-believers, and I have to say hi to all the beings: the “grays, reptilians, and paladians,†and to what seems, from beyond the sun to the afterlife and the beyond...
I am on the side of truth, nothing more. Words like truth, peace, love, light, etc., or any of the abstract, vague or generic words are used as objective universalities to explaining or a shortcut to infinite explanation. If I didn’t use them, this speech would be infinitely long or millions of pages, so please study those words and why they are used. Please, don't confuse the truth with ego, with the illusion of playing sides and temperament. There is only one side, and that is the truth. Truth is self-sustaining; self evident, void of ego, and just is and will always be. This may seem like opposition but it's not. It is a stern reminder, knowledge and information that will help you. This in no way is a slam on anyone, but just the truth to lift the veil from your eyes so you can see the imminent dangers you are in that is facing music today. You must wake up and realize where music is going and I will explain everything you need to know. Just free your mind and listen to what I have to say before you judge. Some of you know what I'm about to say and know that music today is on the decline if not dead, so I offer a different point of view, but please just keep an open mind. What you are about to learn will be hard for a lot of you to understand so I suggest rereading it and search long and hard in your mind about what I'm about to say. Please know that I love music and am telling you so you can even help yourself make better decisions and thoughts about today's music. If I have offended anyone, it is cause the truth hurts, but it's time for you to accept it, forgive and move on and trust me when I say that I know what I'm talking about. I suggest getting out your online dictionary at dictionary.com or dictionary at home to look up some of the words because of the complexity some meanings need a higher reading level. If you don't care about music and where it's heading then I cannot help you and I wish you good luck, but for those that want to help and know what I'm saying, this is for you. Everything for you to know about music today and how you can help. I've had years of experience, have been playing guitar for almost 20 years. Please know that this is to help you, to shed light on the darkness of the music world, not as criticism but as a lesson and teaching for us all together for the freedom of music to be free.
This is a new genre for which I coin as "Space Music," (Myspace doesn't allow a band to put their OWN genre, listed above the band name, so for the sake of humanity and your understanding I put 2 "experimental"-s, squared is it were, and one "other," being that, there is no genre listed of the vast amounts to choose from, sorry) but seeing as the direction music is heading and the powers that be, it will probably get lost in the dustbins of history. But that's ok, the thing that really matters is the individual impact that I effect, not seeking fame or fortune, but by seeking revolutionary, avant-garde and futuristic sounds and that transcend mortal ideas of narcissism and greed by means of typical idolized "star status." We must stop buying into the market of mass consumers that take away the privilege and give it back to music's rightful "owners." And get to the idea of music to be about music, for music and music for all by ways of selflessness and innovation, etc. Unfortunately, only idealistically, all would be nice, but being such the strange sounds of mystery in the magical and even realism, both having relevance, that its true purpose is within you without you. You are the revolution, I am the music that moves you, the world. And if the world never moves, I still feel the quantum effects and the individual affects. It is not "spooky action," but harmonizing light. But I understand spooky, it's unknown on many levels of its existence, in that from the human senses it is perceived as spooky, but action is closer, more like a kind of non action action, from the senses the action seems like action. See that quantum world as the music world. But, You are the one to find it within yourself to understand, know this to be true, for I know it too. I am the true "minority of one," and loving Space Music for itself not for my sake, but for the sake of mankind and music's harmony and evolution. I have proven a long time ago on Myspace without a shadow of doubt the importance for I am about to embark alone. I will only go it alone, unfortunately, I've tested all the waters, I am out in the sea alone, this is my destiny, for only truth can set me free and so can you if you move yourself enough to love music as much as I do...
Space music transcends all boundaries, labels and types of what music has ever sounded like by any band or musician, or what those in the music industry claim it should be by their examples they set today by playing to the masses being no where near the true idea what music should be about. I can quote many of the great musicians and make comparisons, let's not fool our selves. In part, it's supposed to be mind expansively enlightening, wise, etc., and free from the chains of the what is "popular" or "acceptable," and ought to be ingenuous enough to evolve ideas in individual objective creativity ideas that connect to a more evolved sound, for which today, it is declining, today, for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee in its ironically sorest need. Look, people know it, it's no mystery that music today is not the quality of its predecessors from all music genres, and certainly not the mentality and founding principles that incorporates quality music. The music in the mainstream is image driven, lowest common denominator, monopolized, corrupt, avarice induced production and that is over produced, not evolved, ill performed, marketed and rating schemed, and not much individual creativity that is based on what sells rather than what sounds better or for the benefit of music, for music, just to name a few things. But that is only the cancer that has infected music, but for the solution, I have the cure, and now listen closely to not bash but help: which is my infinitely higher aim to change music. Hopefully, musicians in the mainstream that are either unaware or controlled somehow and can't do anything about it can free now, the same music industry that has lied to them and lead them into it's deceptive corruption, they themselves can be free from the tyranny of the music industry.
Let's face it, bands that get big in some way are reflections of what sells and that equates to mentality of who's out there that either make or break their careers. After all, it is the fans that make the music live and sell, not the critiques or sometimes the music industry itself. NIRVANA and Black Sabbath were prime examples of being famous without the industry or critics to make them as great as they were. Bottom line: Sales. Unfortunately, that's the problem, it is sales driven so much, that talented musicians that don't conform to the sale driven ideologies are not given the same attention as those in the music industry that have little talent yet appeal to what sales. The almighty dollar may set the standard, but it's still a lie!!! Money is not the solution, Music Is! When this race of humans evolves to the point of not needing money as a trade for music will be the day music is set free!!! For example, people like Hendrix and Beethoven were fortunate enough to escape money's reign and produce quality art, but these days the art of music is mostly money driven and become more so. Throughout the history of man, money has never been the solution, it's a crude and primitive way to trade goods, and it's only curing the symptom and not the core problem. Music is the cure. Music must be free. When other musicians will get the idea that music should be free, given free and loved for free, then one day music will be set free. There is hope.
The truth about selling out, sellouts and selling as an artist or musicians or band: Selling out has many levels, forms and meanings greatly misunderstood by bands and musicians. Let’s talk about one level that is the most popular, and that is selling out a venue or show. When selling out a show there is a common popular misconception that if a band sells every seat in a venue that that equals success and notoriety. The true conception is based on the equation of sells plus genre equals great band. This misconception is based on the false idea that just because they play a popular genre or type of music and do that well, that they are ignorant on the true meaning of success. The right way to go about it is to innovate music, create your own genre like Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Black Sabbath, NIRVANA, Mozart, Beethoven, to name a few, then if all the seats are sold, and the music is accepted as a new genre and is successful in making money and notoriety, then THAT equals true success. You have to remember that these bands that are arrogant enough to think they are successful by copying a genre aren't being true to what music is about, they are only making false success thinking that because they sell a lot of records, downloads, seats, etc., and have the audacity to claim that is where it's at so to do what I’ve done and say that I suck or whatever? Wrong. If you’d just only understand my position that I am creating a new genre and haven’t sold a single song being on Myspace for over 2 years means 2 things, that I’m not selling out and most people’s ideas about music are misguided and that people’s views on what music should be about is missing the whole point of Space Music. Bands sell out for many reasons, and they aren’t good. They just alter the sound of a popular music that has a MARKET a little, just twist or move the pendulum of rock or rap just a little and call that success, and think they are writing and creating music that is worthy of being a true musician. Listen, and listen close, this is not to discourage you, but to help you understand that if you write music and keep copying it, then try writing something new and then we’ll talk. It is true that nothing is totally new or original so I use that as a relative meaning, in that it is as original and unique as possible like Light. The key is for people to like it and for you to like it and have it unique. Most bands love to write music, but they don’t love to be different because of the fear of trying something new. Please, if you are a band and think to try something new, it will take you to the true meaning of being a true musician. How to do that is up to you, but what I can say is that it will take a unique person to do it, so please, if you are just copying music and making a ton of money and saying that that isn’t selling out? Then you are wrong. Period.
The hope is that music is being downloaded for free!!!! But it's not as stable as it should be...still evolving I see. But, being at the expense of the artist that is a worthy price, but it's only one-sided philosophy in that people want it for free but musicians are unwilling to make it for free to give generously and virtuously. Listen, if it were free AND people shared it and musicians actually devoted themselves the way I have to selflessness for the sake of music we wouldn't be in this mess. It's music, not cotton candy! It takes both the musician and fan to come together to free ourselves for the tyranny money has bestowed upon music. Money isn't all misrepresented and misguided and used, but the way it's exploiting music, at the very least, it should be as priceless as possible, give it its true light to shine upon mankind as a means of enlightenment and ponderous wonderment. Listen, it's the greed that is the cancer of music, not the money. Money is only a tool for resources. Let's make all the resources as accessibly and at least affordable for all. And because of greed, ironically, it weakens the worth of money as a viable means of trade as primitive as it really is. Honestly and truthfully, music should be free, because if it's not, it will be controlled by the classic human condition of greed and corruption that money puts it in power. Money is power, but music is greater. Mark my words, someday music will be free and no qualms about it. It will be as loving as most people love money. It will be a form of living like money but even better in that in the future humankind will evolve to the point where music will actually transcend us into the age of enlightenment and will be a viable source like water, food or air. Think about it. Today, there is a very rudimentary relationship with people and music being that we are really primitive but having infinite potential that music will evolve us into being one with music many, many centuries from now. Music being universal and money not being universal will go far above and beyond to nexus us with music to states only dreams of super geniuses couldn't fathom today.
The decline in music today is a clear and direct reflection, attitudes and mentality of a lot of society, thus the outcome of today's standards are making it harder and harder for honest good musicians to get any recognition or "play." The decadence of it is resulting in the dysfunction and causing even worse music to be made by musicians of even lower musical taste and talent, and producing a type of people that are lost to the ideas of the great musicians that preceded them. It's also causing a type of person that is more ignorant and less respectful to music itself. Just like the hippie followers, today we have a type that coincides with that dysfunction and even funs it and these people are called "sheeple." Sheeple aren't always bad people, I stress that, they aren't bad, just a type of blind follower, but what makes it bad is that it leads to supporting the wrong bands and artists that get the fame from them. We need more leaders and better leaders by better followers. It's ok to follow, just make sure you know the importance of who you are following. My definition of a sheeple is a person that is blind to follow the trends, attitudes, messages, etc., and has not much an idea why or intending to not be true to what music is supposed to be about. Who they are actually following is a direct cause of relationship between fan and band that coincides with the harmony of the music to the masses, and it is great imbalanced now, and right off the cliff like lemmings they go, supporting a less worthy cause but in reality are not supporting those bands and musicians that actually have great talent, the power by those blind followers that buy their product putting the others in power is cause for the decline and the pendulum sways less, where someone out like like myself can't get heard because of that imbalance, therefore losing the honesty and integrity of what musicianship is about. Sheeple pose as though apart of a fad or "look," and have not much of their own identity which is in most cases natural for the impressionable teenager, and either good or bad, they take that identity of the musicians as a means of pop culture, and these sheeple have common traits and cling onto a sense of self identity, which is usually the younger crowd and that why it's dangerous 'cause they are so impressionable and the messages being sent by those artists are brainwashing and molding their minds to a lesser value. Sheep (as an analogy), go with the crowd and are led by the "shepard:" the leader. There is an exception to that, but only if the standard is high and message and meaning of the music is as true to what music is about as possible, then by scale, it is set up to that some followings adhere to a specific causality of better values which leads to a more true state of oneness with the band and the fans. Today is so disconnected, in that the stars are out of touch with the people and like most of the famous artist loose touch of themselves and the unity with their crowd resulting in super stardom that catapults them into the untouchables. There HAS to be a better standard people. So, I don't put all the blame on the bands, but equally place responsibility on both the musician and fan. The idea that music itself has been sold out leaves people like me left to wonder if music, a great gift of life itself is dead? But the fact that music is being sold and produced other than the ways of the past, is the silver lining, in that major labels no longer have the control the majority of what the masses hear. Because I push so hard to maintain high standards of creativity and innovation, revolutionizing music to another genre has given me the opportunity to tell that as bands we need to pull together and not so much compete but have respect and help each other's musical endeavors, like so many of the greats did in the past and playing on stage. Myspace being another avenue for us little musicians to get heard, has now been out sourced and sold out and who will ever hear of most of the small bands on Myspace without around the clock promotion on Myspace alone? Answer, only in the interests of those in society that get influenced enough to care enough to go above and beyond the sheepish apathetic-lazy-mentality which is epidemic and search for it, so I offer a change to get it heard as a sacrifice for all those great musicians that are forgotten, to follow their ideas and innovate them like Hendrix did to Robert Johnson's guitar playing. I am a man of ideas and love to share with the world the unique ideas hopefully giving you the band ideas to help your evolution. We must wake up to the impending eminent doom that foreshadows music today in the mainstream, and I have a feeling the great musicians alive today know exactly what I'm saying!
Space music will never get the recognition or the sells it needs to survive in this world of corruption, small mindedness, et al., or get the acclaim that it truly deserves. Nonetheless, one has to think who is recognizing it and why. For example, in my experience, my music has been for sale for a while and no one is buying (which is a reflection of society) and that, sadly, it's a reality that I do need sells and support to make it, so I am doing this all on my own and from my own pocket, and all the while, because I have enlightened some people with my music is far better than getting an award on MTV or at that Grammy Awards. Think about it: I have never been wrong on Myspace about the matters of music.
It's a sad fact and true how musicians that have talent will never get heard like they should instead of those that get all the attention, and how talented musicians lose themselves in the limelight. My hope is that I will be a spark somewhere out in the cold ether's of Internet space and start a fire that "we need a music revolution." I will never give up, and I will die for my cause, no matter what, so salvation will be what brings me and doing the right thing and doing things that seem wrong but are for a greater good, and advocating to revolutionize music is just the thing they might need to wake up from their brainwashed mentality of what they've been indoctrinated by the mainstream as their idea of what music is about. Let's all wake up and face that it's a joke and a scheme and has very little to do with actual quality music and message. The message is almost as important and the message the mainstream is sending is so substandard and embarrassing, I'm actually embarrassed to be apart of it, but I know the elevations music can bring and truly know that's not what it's about, go ask any of the greatest musicians, go tell them what a horrible fate it's become!
I've been turned down by a lot of labels, had many death threats; seemingly thousands of hate emails, comments and messages. I've been threatened countless times on virtually every level of darkness and evil. Right now, I believe I'm being lead to believe that I can't change the industry cause I'm crazy or a loser. If I anger you or you have that much apathy then I have succeeded in that you have gone beyond doing nothing to using energy to be negative. Truth is neither positive nor negative, your consciousness makes you believe that, and that I can't help. If I please everyone or was liked by all, which should be idealistically the right choice for humanity, but it's a sad fact of reality people aren't going to agree with me cause I possesses a greater truth. Don't get angry, we are all in this together and the real people to blame are those that are corrupting music and it's purpose! I'm trying to help so please see that. All this for speaking the truth and shining a light on the shadows of the music world, why I'd be dead already if I toured or "stoned to death." Truthfully, "nothing has changed" in the music industry since the 90's, that's obvious. Let's cast that stone of hope instead of hate, cast a stone of truth, cast a stone of love, cast a stone of honesty, humanity and dignity for music's sake. I see gleams of hope here and there and no one is doing what I'm doing, saying what I'm saying about music, writing what I'm experimenting on, and still major change and evolution of music after all the hate, but hey wait, I got a new complaint. But some people have similar ideas and most people will never change enough and "times are a-changin'," which leads me to believe I am not crazy, but Einstein once said, am I crazy or are they?
Listen, the meaning of music is not about what it is today and they've destroyed it: FACT. Who are "they?" Only a music revolution can bring it back to the mainstream, to take the false pretenses and pretensions of glamor to sell. No one of brilliance would want to see music be all or most image beauty with money to glamorize it to the point of masking the music, and having little or no substance, but why should us underground musicians care right? WRONG. Apathy is no solution, we must change it to a better standard. As musicians, it is our responsibility. I'm not saying this is a class war of the rich musicians and artist against the poor and talented. We are all responsible of the welfare of music for all of us, and thus, there is an imbalance. It is universal for all of us for music's quality to maintain its true purpose and meaning to give that gift to the masses as an offering of wisdom, love, truth, creativity, wonderment, inspiration, powerful, influential, passionate, innovating, evolutionary, and revolutionary means to created a better world through music. I believe that once music has to be so rare and hard to find great talent because of the monopolizing of certain corporations, then it's dead. And, with overly powerful messages of money driven images of sex and materialism, those great hard to find talents will be out shined. What I propose is that we use our talents in free pure form, a sense of honesty for music performance and recordings, void of those pretenses and illusions of power and money, or what some call all "image marketing." There is a chasm of difference between being really rich with the support of a label making "quality" music and manipulating the masses by deceiving them by brainwashing the masses to think they can be as rich. Money isn't a tool to exploit music. Money is a powerful force to drive people to wanting fame, but it's a false fame, no true musician wants money to interfere with the music, and because today's music has overly empowered those artist to sell the image, they have forgotten, in most cases their own poverty when they started out in the music world to create that great music that was inspired for music and not sales and what the industry wanted. If you are at a label, I suggest if you are a great musician to not get into that trap, get out now, do it on your own, the road is more difficult but the reward is everlasting. Remember, let's not forget, the moment you see an artist use money as a tool to manipulate their success fails to see what music is really about and that it seems money and image are important to them, and in some cases they forced by the label. If you are in a label, demand that substance, creativity, and knowledgeably wise art is not only more successful to stand the test of time, but the biggest reason classical is still on the radio today, that music from over 40 years ago is alive and strong. We must not forget the preservations of the continuum of quality music. My hope for the future that a fan will buy a record or download music will be ABOUT THE MUSIC, not what I've described above in context to industry standards. Now, it’s agreeable that it’s still music, but I STRESS, it’s the quality and depth, and meaning beyond the superficial, and especially carries a great message of all that is valuable for the sake of music. You can’t smear a piece of pooh on a wall and call that art, for the very essence and underlying quality is where you draw the line. Universality is key to music’s sound, in that, if you compare just the sound, you will find that all great songs share a commonality of greatness in tone, message, sound, etc., but in many genres. Great music is based on whether it is true, meaning: the closer the art adheres to true classifications to a certain set of notes, keys, etc., in music theory, the better the sound. Image is all good and fair to a point, but think of the possibilities of total meaningful substance that will carry a more positive message and prove your talent. All classes should be aware and act as though meaningful substance should be an imperative or need beyond anything else or it will be out sourced, "sold out" and compromised. Having meaningful music is universal to all people and classes, ‘tis universal, but when those artists exploit image and money to gain success are missing the majority of what music was intended for and why it is essential that the music industry is fooling themselves and that a lot people in the world "don't buy it," which is why you see a conglomeration of genres right now, narrowing it to only a few that really get to the masses. We are denied the mainstream because we offer a different and better standard set my the industry, even to a point of making people think "who cares, why should I try to change them, they won't change." Mark my works, that old cliché, that you can’t lead a horse to water is wrong, you can change it! Be the example of greatness. If money can't buy those rich musicians and artists happiness at the point of excess and greed that is knowingly harming music, not only haven't they truly earned it, and yet cheated and played the game right, rather then changing the game. Find the middle ground if you get rich, use the money to improve your music rather than your image. Let's support music more. The American culture is in grave danger when money and imagine is exploited to a point where that is all it is and that it brainwashes the teens. Where is the sense of pride (self-respect) with meaning, or soul in music these days? Where are all those musicians in my advocating time of need for a music revolution? Why am I so alone and why does the truth have to go against money to much that it ruins even your ability to write great music? Forget about me, live for yourself and music, push yourself to write better, it's a process, change for the better and don't give into the greed of money! Make money as a moderation of gain and excel music's meaning and substance. Don't get me wrong, it is after all your life, so I just offer wisdom, be the one to set you free. If you really care about music, it's beyond important, beyond anything we can imagine for the sake of music to save music! It is being taken from the schools, and art for that matter. Who said that once art is gone, civilization will fall? Artists are often society's leaders and changers. Honestly, it's so bad that I am forced to be so blunt and honest and have to resort to using vapid sex appeal to get heard. No Wonder. Be content with little but strive for the best. Be that musician that once sang or played alone in your room or to friends before all the money and corruption. Remember it was about the music? Let go of the powers that be that control you, find your roots! The mainstream of music is out of control, and if people don't say anything, there won't be any change there won't be another great musician to come along a change history. The industry will over power us, we must stand together in the name of freedom from its money trap, and fight the good fight for the sake of music, and especially the future of upcoming really talented musicians, artists and singers to will carry the torch, but with the industry’s money will only serve to deny them their justice in looking up to you like you looked up to those great musicians of the past. You have to realize most artists never realize the actual power then have, the influence to have a better cause and change the world.
We need to rise the underground over-ground and fight back against the crimes for which the mainstream has caused against music and how much they've destroyed it and the fact that those musicians in the mainstream don't realize it and/or don't something about it is even worse and if they don't know, here is their guide, learn it well, it shall unfold. Sadly, in the past it was so much better and anyone to disagree has no clue what music should be about, what it should mean, or what it's designed for, or purpose, or reasons it should be as great as possible, but the standards get lower each year until someone changes it and I hope to be apart of that. I am not the only one. The decline of quality is so bad that my heart is broken, music is no more; the very tragedy that has driven me this far, in that, because of the murder of music and its death will only kill me, for I am music; it lives within me and to see it shamed and disgraced is the very reason I actually care about it enough to do something about it instead of the "who cares" mentality I heard so prevalent and rampant on Myspace and in the world. In fact, those that don't care are, in part, responsible of this travesty. Music according to the greatest minds of mankind knew the relevant importance of music. I'll get into that later.
Let's face it, most people don't care and most will not even read up to the last paragraph, and a lot of us know how bad people are "asleep" and apathetic, and how ironically embarrassing it all must be for those in power controlling the mainstream and those buying into it to go on deceiving the masses with their pontifications, sophistry, and illusions of what music is about for the mainstream. They are only slaves to money and sales, this is a fact. They would never be bold and daring to try something different and great and if you don't like that, it's time for you to accept it and evolve yourself, for it is time for you to change, grow, evolve past the idea or matrix that you are in, to free yourself, to know the very reasons and truths I've explained that should wake you. What I am saying is undeniably self evident and very explicit. But it's always been your choice. The power for you to choice not to buy into the hype and illusions of the mainstream, but choice not to buy into it and that will change it. It will force them to rethink and elect a better selection of musicians and bands, and hopefully with your buying power really think hard about what you’re doing to music and how you’re enabling the mainstream music industry to have the money and power to be stable enough to ensure their success. It’s really easy, don’t buy into it, don’t buy their products, change your attitudes and learn why you would rather choose say a band today over say Hendrix (being only one genre), or the next time you go to the record store or an online downloading store really think long and hard about the power of choice you have.
Here's an explaination of what was said above for the beginning reading level: Today's music is "sex sells, mostly image driven(good looks, no meaning), greedy money, not about the music, little talent and creativity, market schemed, mostly rap(needs more diversity), monopolized, big music industry lie, posers, idiots, hacks, no talent, crap, lie, horrible, in the mainstream. Listen, in your words, it’s easy, if you feel and think similar to the way I do, just don’t buy their "crap" cause it "sucks." You have the power to choose more wisely, if you are a teenager, I suggest you not buying anything in the top charts on the Billboards. If you disagree, you are wrong.
Andrew Stone will be alone on this journey to embark on a music unheard of and a genre that has never been done, to see you on the dark side of the moon. It's the pinnacle price to wage and pay, a seemly perfect act to rage for light to set dawn's stage upon this 11th hour, but such a priceless art as music I am only humbled beyond belief, and being a musician and forging the unknown outskirts of musical thinking, feeling and 6th sense and forging the road less traveled in sound, message, and meaning. This is only the beginning, a paradox of the end's end, the once forgotten journey began years ago by greats, giants I stand on the shoulders of to continue what they built, Well it’s too bad that our friends can’t be with us today...Well it’s too bad the machine that we built would never save us that’s what they say...the out of style, out of style...and will carve anew and tread into realms of sounds and solve mysteries of music's impossibilities, to carry the torch they lit left alight for us to pass on through the ages from Beethoven to Robert Johnson, Otis to Hendrix, from Mozart to Lennon, Dylan and Cohen, Morrison, Amos, Page to Cobain to name a few, for all them that lived in the sun to innovate the power of music to live on in infamy...for music is my retribution to salvation for all humans and this light I shall rage for an eternity!!!