Photoshop CS 3. Music (the good stuff). Movies (the good & funny stuff). TV (also the good stuff). Surfing the 'Net. Blogging. Mass Communications. Livejournal. Snark. Reading, Writing, but NOT 'Rithmatic.
People with a good sense of humor. People who're not pretentious. Somewhat sane people. Friendly, non-knife-wielding people. =D
I like a lot of different genres of music, though I suppose you could label me a mainstreamer. I like Snow Patrol, Jack's Mannequin, Maroon 5, Coldplay, The Perishers, Augustana, Anna Nalick, Aimee Mann, and the like. Surf over to for more!
Any movie that has a good plot, good acting and mucho hot actors. Haha. XD
Movies I really wanna watch:
30 Days of Night
License To Wed
Prince Caspian
Paris, Je T'aime
And many more! =D
Other than my various cartoon shows, I also happen to enjoy Grey's Anatomy, CSI and CSI: NY, Supernatural, House M.D., America's Next Top Model, Gilmore Girls, Heroes, The Office (U.S.), Ugly Betty, and Desperate Housewives.
Stephenie Meyer. Neil Gaiman. Sarah Dessen. Donna Jo Napoli. Garth Nix. Terri Farley. Meg Cabot before she was a sell-out. (Read: BEFORE The Princess Diaries)
I ♥ to read books about the supernatural and paranormal. Myths, legends, and folklore are my cup of tea, you know?
Betty Suarez - for always believing the best in people.
Lynette Scavo - for her kick-ass, sassy attitude and ingenious methods.
So what if they're not real? =P
But seriously, my heroes are my parents ... I am who I am today thanks to them. =)