Drums, art, co-audio engineering for Ulcerate
ulcerate-official.com | www.myspace.com/ulcerate
Kicked around in Abystic Ritual, Forced to Submit, Misadventures in Self-Surgery, 8 Foot Sativa.
Other than that I'm a pixel pusher by trade, currently working in web design - graphics/CSS/HTML/Flash. And print/fine art work when/if I find time.
Sometimes (very rarely...) you can find some of my personal work here prehensile.orcon.net.nz .
If adding me as a 'friend' send a note with the request. And from now on no fucking bands, dirty spamming bastards.Ulcerate 'Everything is Fire' 08...
Tracking for our second album:
Setup at the moment:
This changes all the time, but for now...
Shells - PDP LXE  |  Maple shell  |  Kurillian Birch finish
2 x 22" Kick
14 x 5.5" Snare
10", 12", 14", 16" toms
14" Sabian AA Rock Hihats
6.5" Zildjian Zilbel
13" Sabian HHX Groove Hats
10" Sabian HHX Splash
16" Sabian HHX Stage Crash
9" Zildjian Zilbel
18" Sabian HHX Power Crash
8" Sabian HH Splash
20" Alchemy Raw Ride
10" Sabian AAX Metal Splash
12" Sabian AAX Mini-Chinese
18" Sabian AAX China
Hardware / Misc
Pearl/Gibraltor hardware
Axis AL2 pedals and Ekits
Vater sticks
Alesis DM5 module