blah blah blah long story short. one of baltimores most hated bands, and proud! We been doin this shit for a long ass time...... Eric Little, and Trey Williams also play in Covenace. Rich Hates everything, and never passes up a chance to make fun of gay ass blackmetal goth nerds...(I mean what r they gonna do?... beat us up?....haha..) Steve Writes like all the crazy music you hear us play. Brandon works at PRS (paul reed smith) making guitars and also makes custom guitars (hes really good too ) we play with good local bands like eaten alive, eternal ruin, misery index, FUA , anti audio, and pretty much any one who asks us to play their show.....except in anne arundel county where were kinda unofficially banned from playin.....
other than that, I live in a house with vinny matthews(fetus) brandi(jersey) mark and adam(misery index) and FuckUAll practices in my fucking bedroom, and on any given night some touring band or party is in my living room or clogging my toilet or eating us out of house and home...and drinking all my beer......but if your touring and coming through town, youll probly spend some time here sooner or hit us up......Oh and Any bands or anyone in general who wants to trade shows..... by all means hit me up, and Ill see what we can do for u down here in balticore. and if u want cds or shirts or hoodies hit me up too, Late
Deathmetal /Hardcore /
Blackmetal(gAyius'MAXimus) /and Grind kids that flock to our shows.
Dont worry we'll all probobly die of cancer soon or get real jobs or something in the near future anyway. But as long as were still here you should come to a show and hang with us sometime, and buy a shirt, or a cd and give it to someone u know who actually likes this shit. See ya round
Also..... go listen to my other band here..... or at late!