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About Me

do you really care?

do you really give a fuck about … anything?
if you do!
shut the fuck up, cause you don t know nothing!
in the very beginning i started a punk rock band (madbadray 1988-1989), i did some rock shit (blue velvet 1990) and ended up doing metal (askasit/hippocratic oath 1990-1994).
in 1994 my first serious band leer was founded. we released 3 tapes (von bis nach seit 1995; transparenz 1996; zweiundvierzig 1997) and two eps (chi 1999, ende am anfang 2002) before we split up. the style we kicked was somewhere between x-over and new metal.
in addition i was involved is some projects. eloquent silence (1993) was a nice accoustic experiance with two guitars and a great female voice. in 2001 i played bass for the pop project shoplifter. and in 2003 cadava was a death- grindcore project with my favarite singer/songwriter tom.
in 2003 i finished the recordings of my first “solo” album (cleance).
from 2005 to early 2008 i did time with the metalcore/modern metal band nayled. two ep..s where released (phantom 2003; antibody 2005) r.i.p.
the other passion i m wasting time on, is writing lyrics. i will penetrate you with some new stuff on this page too!
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- Contact: michaelkonecny@gmx.de, Or send me a message!! ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- WipeOut (Song taken from Nayled..s Antibody E.P.)

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Member Since: 4/17/2008
Record Label: Ohne Vertrag
Type of Label: None

My Blog


qualitätskontrollesüsses versagender wahrheitin der ich sanft schlafeund träumevom lebenohne todzarte bruchstelledes genicksals spur des lebensals weg ins nichtsaus dem ich fallezurück auf michvergold...
Posted by m.k. on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 12:49:00 PST


  accuracy every moment is wasted within one second   every meaning is lost within this words   every feeling is fractured by this truth   every truth is wrong in this accuracy &n...
Posted by m.k. on Tue, 27 May 2008 02:58:00 PST