do you really give a fuck about … anything?
if you do!
shut the fuck up, cause you don t know nothing!
in the very beginning i started a punk rock band (madbadray 1988-1989), i did some rock shit (blue velvet 1990) and ended up doing metal (askasit/hippocratic oath 1990-1994).
in 1994 my first serious band leer was founded. we released 3 tapes (von bis nach seit 1995; transparenz 1996; zweiundvierzig 1997) and two eps (chi 1999, ende am anfang 2002) before we split up. the style we kicked was somewhere between x-over and new metal.
in addition i was involved is some projects. eloquent silence (1993) was a nice accoustic experiance with two guitars and a great female voice. in 2001 i played bass for the pop project shoplifter. and in 2003 cadava was a death- grindcore project with my favarite singer/songwriter tom.
in 2003 i finished the recordings of my first “solo†album (cleance).
from 2005 to early 2008 i did time with the metalcore/modern metal band nayled. two ep..s where released (phantom 2003; antibody 2005) r.i.p.
the other passion i m wasting time on, is writing lyrics. i will penetrate you with some new stuff on this page too!
Contact:, Or send me a message!!
WipeOut (Song taken from Nayled..s Antibody E.P.)
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