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evil star virus

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About Me

well i guess you want to no some things about me well were do i start well its kinda hard just to start so i jump right in well in a freak who loves being in the dark make my life around me like a dark cave were im the only one who is welcome every one eles just fuck off easy thing i say that i dont really have feelings for anythink just like im dead in side what i injoy because its the only life i no i can live i like test my body with all types of things to the ponit of breaking ponit and when i get there say fuck it break anyway just have a feeling or two i could not give a dam what any one think of me and if have somethink say then say it to my face not behide my back do injoy chatting with people like myself feel same way as me just a easyer way to understand alot of things i guess i could say i dont care what any one looks like or way they dress or how they live there lives coz there no ponit in that when look at my life its black creepy im in my own little cave were my music playing that were i feel like my home is reading a wiccan book just chilling out in my own way that me tho i never ask of nothing and i dont want anythink as well in lot ways im happy how i am but always got a very sad side were i want end my pain maybe i will never no well im fed up of talking about my self now so im going leave it how it is.
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I'd like to meet:

omfg.... i wood love to meet kittie vocals morgan lander and her sister mercrdes lander just chat with them about there music alday hope get have a play on morgan lander flying v guitar lol but i know that never happen shame tho be the best wish in the world

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