We can all be happy!
In this time, in this society, many of us suffers from depression and stress. Much due to the struggling towards happiness. Although happiness would be possible, with the right information!The world is just the way we experience it to be. Thats why it's so important that we humans are conscious of the way we choose to look at things, how we see the world around us. That consciousness actually affects the entire experience we know as "life".
The possibility to think positive gives us and our fellowmens a life filled with more positivity and joy. UnityUnion is here to spread this message, through offering nice tee's and a blog that collects interesting thoughts in text and video clips.
Let's make the world a more positive place!
What is UnityUnion? UnityUnion is a project to inspire people to find and spread the happiness we all got within us.
UnityUnion does this in a modern, scientific and earthly style.
UnityUnion is a blog that inspires and motivate with thoughtful texts and interesting video clips.
UnityUnion is a T-shirt shop that works like a messenger.
The Tee's are like billboards; inspiring, questioning and carries the message.
The message is:
We can learn how to be happy.
What we focus on grows.
Think positive!
Tee's Now available to YOUR country!
UnityUnion Shop is now available to the wide world. There are 11 languages to choose from in a drop down menu! Welcome to come visit us! The blog got some amazing clips added today. Really interesting stuff!Get inspired, inspire others, give love and be creative!
Welcome to Unity Union!