Tbonius Monk profile picture

Tbonius Monk

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Gur vaprffnag pbasyvpgf jr jntr bire jung jung jr creprvir nf orvat phygheny qvssreraprf ner vaureragyl vafvtavsvpnag va pbzcnevfba gb gur cbgragvny bhe fcrpvrf unf va crecrghngvat vgfrys guebhtu gur obhaqnevrf jr unir negvsvpvnyyl pbafgehpgrq va na nggrzcg gb pbzceruraq gur jbeyq nebhaq hf.

Va haqrefgnaqvat bhe raivebazrag, vg orpbzrf vapernfvatyl vzcbegnag gb tenfc creprcgvba sbe rknpgyl jung vg vf.. vagrecergngvba naq erpbtavgvba. Guvf nyybjf hf gb serr gur obhaqnevrf bs rdhngvat creprcgvba jvgu snpg, rdhngvat bhe pbagrkg jvgu nal sbez bs znpebpbfzvp qbznva.

Vs bar hfrf n fpvragvsvp nccebnpu va engvbanyvmvat fbpvrgvrf nf n jubyr gura bar zvtug nffreg gung uhznaf, nf n fcrpvrf, ner fgvyy va n cevzvgvir fgntr bs ribyhgvba. Onynapvat gur rdhngvba ol hfvat fbzr fbeg bs havirefny gurbybtl gb dhnagvsl rkvfgrapr, bar zvtug nyyrtr gung uhznaf ner fvzcyl puvyqera bs jungrire qrvgl bar pubbfrf gb bofreir.. naq whfg yvxr puvyqera, bar vf vtabenag bs nal fbeg bs rkvfgrapr orlbaq bar'f bja creprcgvbaf.

Gubhtu trarenyvmrq nf guvf cbegenlny zvtug nccrne, jbhyq vg abg or cenpgvpny gb nffhzr fhpu pvephzfgnaprf ner eryrinag fb gung jr zvtug yrnea sebz bar nabgure?

Jr nf pbafpvbhf orvatf unir n erfcbafvovyvgl abg bayl gb bhefryirf ohg gb rnpu bgure.. gb yrnea, gb grnpu, gb pbzzhavpngr, gb cebterff, naq gb tebj bhg bs bhe vasnagvyr oryvrsf naq vagb n ynetre pbyyrpgvir pbafpvbhfarff gung pna rkcyber naq haqrefgnaq bhe cynpr va gur xabja havirefr

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

  • Siddhartha.. but I think it might be a little late for that
  • Ghandi, again.. just missed the bus.
  • Jesus, but I don't speak Aramaic.. do I guess I'd be pretty screwed.
  • The prophet Muhammed, again with the whole language barrier.

  • My Blog

    Why Americans do not deserve Health Care reform

    .................... .................... So I wake up this morning and flip on another 24-hour Cable News channel to find yet another Town Hall Meeting attended by members of the U.S. Sen...
    Posted by on Tue, 11 Aug 2009 13:21:00 GMT

    Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead

    Let this be more than just the shot across the bow, more than just a wake-up call, more than just seeing the writing on the wall.  Let this be the beginning of the death of what used to be called...
    Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 04:11:00 GMT

    Sound Bytes?

    Recently (or not so recently in the short span of events), a close friend of mine was holding a conversation with me about the potential democratic candidates for the presidency.I was caught offguard ...
    Posted by on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 19:37:00 GMT

    The Prestige of Consciousness

    I recently watched a film entitled "The Prestige", and was quite enamored with its concept and not-so-subtle undertones of social dilemma.  After the film had ended I sat and pondered, as I often...
    Posted by on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 15:37:00 GMT

    Political Rhetoric

    I was recently discussing politics with a close friend of mine (as I often do) when he/she made a generalized comment about his/her disdain with modern liberalism as it pertained to a personal experi...
    Posted by on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 15:17:00 GMT

    Texas Lawmaker aims to allow the blind to hunt

    http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=oddlyEno ughNews&storyid=2006-12-12T154047Z_01_N11175774_RTRUKOC_ 0_US-BLIND-HUNTERS.xmlA Texas lawmaker is aiming to allow the blind to hunt. Tex...
    Posted by on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 10:43:00 GMT


    In 1942, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, the U.S. government seized several companies in which Prescott Bush had an interest. Prescott at the time was an investment banker with Brown Brothers Ha...
    Posted by on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:50:00 GMT

    The Pearly Gates

    Saint Peter decides to take the day off to go fishing, so Jesus offers to keep an eye on the Pearly Gates. He is not sure what to do, so Peter tells him to find out a bit about people as they arrive i...
    Posted by on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:30:00 GMT

    Without Sin

    Jesus came upon a small crowd who had surrounded a young woman they believed to be an adulteress. They were preparing to stone her to death.To calm the situation, Jesus said: "Whoever is without sin a...
    Posted by on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 15:57:00 GMT

    Today's Horoscopes

    Aries March 21 - April 19 A whirlwind office romance will bloom today between you and that stunning spreadsheet that tracks all funded programs, their revenue sources, and the deductible...
    Posted by on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 16:47:00 GMT