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MUJERCITAS TERROR "¡La gente común no nos importa!"Después de años de batallar el under, editaron su disco debut. Y le cuentan al Si! de su particular relación y de la amistad que los une a Omar Chabán.Natalia Laube. Especial para ClarínHabía una vez un joven manos de tijera que trabajaba en una oficina de correo y una chica escuálida que iba, ilusionada, a un casting. Viajaban en el mismo tren y el destino quiso que se pusieran a charlar. El, Marcelo Moreyra, y ella, Daniela Zahra, hoy cuentan su anécdota convertidos en simbióticos compañeros de banda, de casa y de vida. "Desde ese día somos inseparables", cuenta ella, seis años después. Marcelo prefiere aclarar para que no oscurezca: "Somos mejores amigos, porque el amor arruina todo. Cuando conocés mucho a alguien, llega un punto en el que tenés que hacer un proceso inverso. No es bueno saber tanto: si no hay sorpresa, no pasa nada". Después de varias idas y venidas (por la banda pasaron diez integrantes) el grupo hoy se completa con Federico Losa y Walter Bianquet.Cuando estudiaba artes plásticas, Daniela hizo un grabado que hoy ilustra la tapa de su demorado disco debut. "De ahí mismo salió el nombre de la banda, aunque Marcelo después sumó Terror', porque sentía que faltaba algo", comenta. Les gusta tanto estar juntos que no les queda tiempo para otras personas: "No tenemos bandas amigas, pero es por elección. Si le dedicáramos tiempo a eso, no habríamos podido grabar un disco. La gente te reclama mucho y la banda se come todo, así que sólo salimos para tocar y para comprar cigarrillos". La vida ermitaña dio sus frutos: sus canciones (por momentos remiten a la primera época de El Otro Yo) destilan rockabilly, punk y oscuridad. Las comparaciones con la estética marca Tim Burton pueden no ser casuales, aunque a ellos los cansa un poco: "Tenemos otras influencias, como Tiny Tim, de quien Burton tomó un montón de cosas. ¡O las Shangri-Las!".Pero el gran maestro local de Mujercitas resultó ser Omar Chabán: "La segunda vez que tocamos fue en Cemento, eran como las cuatro de la mañana y nos estaban re-boludeando con el sonido. Nos bajaban las voces o silenciaban las guitarras; era desesperante. Apareció Omar y los cagó a pedos a todos. A él le encantó enseguida la banda, pero nos quería cambiar el look: Ay, chicos, ¡no se vistan tan de negro!'", recuerda la bajista a carcajadas. Y sigue: "Cuando Omar estuvo en la isla del Tigre, íbamos a verlo casi todos los sábados y nos quedábamos a dormir. La idea era pasarla bien, a pesar del bajón que era todo". Y la sonrisa de Daniela se desdibuja: "Me parece que la gente se está dando cuenta de que Omar es un gran tipo. Al menos la gente del rock, ¿no? Porque la gente común... ¡no nos importa!".-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------Always represented in black and white, with a first disc players and namesake of a mini legend Mujercitas Terror is a trio that combines rock, punk and rockabilly and rose heart bonaerense comments at the scene. Little touch, time and again recorded their songs and the flag is not self details that transform raritos in the neighborhood. About their motivations, the search for a particular sound and how they face the music in this Attention ...Felipe Mardones"Our lyrics do not talk about any kind of reality, hate reality," said the Argentine Mujercitas Terror on its website ( "Let this town where no one understands the beauty / We are not a very accepted / under the earth may be safe / I insist that nobody wants" declared then "slaughtered birds, which seems to be singing the true story of the trio Marcelo forming Moreyra (vocals, guitar and composition), Daniela Zahra (voice and bass) and Federico Losa (drums). At the end is the same, since both sentences speak of a band that released its debut album for months, raising some dust between the trans-critical, especially in the press that he did not know how to look at some guys who loved the stage for his power but when you turn off the lights wore a dark and silent air."The fact is that ever lived as a dark thing and darkness is like the aesthetics of every day," said Marcelo, and this view goes ten cuts namesake debut: there are "damned Service" with a postpunk smell, the melodic beginning with "Boys in prison," or "sweet", faster and punk, all filled with stories of everyday shadows. "Our songs always sound like this since the time that we played with the band and what could not say what dark. Think that way fits all, but there is something real in these songs, "he adds.mujercitast-disco.jpg Dig a little enough to understand that nothing is as complicated as it sounds, but the band has become a legend that the small round, and that surely will be remembered for a long time. Marcelo us details of the myth of light and shadow after Mujercitas Terror: "One day I met Daniel at the train station. I had a Walkman and a cassette which had been recorded some songs and she heard some of the issues that were recorded brutally treading A side but leaving the B side of Jerry Lee Lewis. So it all started. The name comes from an engraving made Daniela, who was called Mujercitas. I would add Terror. " Today, that image is the album cover art (pictured on the side).The album itself also bears another particular legend was shot three times because the sound does not meet the idea of the band. "The album was put together with the ten most important songs of the first period and new ones, but the shots are almost always separate and this is a slump. Some do, but we are making us better as a live band. I play differently if not singing a different song and play and if not for these details or discuss the mixed abandonábamos that the old recordings. We have many of those ones made in my house with a portaestudio, another in an expensive study, another study in poor (lost our records). But when we recorded the last time was final. If not sure yet what we are trying, "says Marcelo.Other songs like "Glass Eyes," "actress" or "The Alfonsos," the show with a melodic rock, which is about postpunk. The first recall the beginnings of the other me, but when it comes to rescue gang Argentine Marcelo is closest to the violators, or Hazardous Gorriones Charly Garcia. "Although we are more influenced by The Shangri-Las, Gene Vincent and postpunk bands. Also many other things in the cinema, literature, etc., "adds the guitarist.Marcelo agreed that the delay in the output of the disk allowed a better sound through his live presentations: "Just who was returning from a recital in the dream very well said 'This is the sound!. At that time we leave the old disk recording and start again elsewhere. We had to get the money and before the garbage without mercy, as always. In the album was recorded live at the issues in some other guitars recorded over as in "pink off," recorded by Daniela. The recording went well, was not as traumante.Although started playing in 2001, small presentations with friends, carrying instruments to handle even knew was when you edit your first album independently, Mujercitas Terror when media such as El Clarin Trasandinos page 12 and set on them, andalusia While pages Global Art piropeaban his recordings and concerts. The latest quite modest.On how they get their tocatas, Marcelo says: "Sometimes armamos a date, we invite others. We are always interested in playing, but it is not our strong organization and sometimes spend time without leaving. Then somehow there's something: there are places away from the center of town and others who want to win silver. There are also guys who organize events driven more by ideas than money and of course if we play with us the date. "At the same time, Marcelo makes it quite easy to terms such as self award, especially as speech: "No, do not carry the flag of the self, nor know what is to be in a stamp. Meanwhile we continue doing the same in any way playing live. " For that use the weapons that allows virtuality, from Fotolog to, as well as posters that can hit any friends among the city streets.On the next steps Mujercitas Terror, Marcelo saves distances, although several projects announced: "We are making a new disc. I do not know when it will be, but not much. At the same time, I have another band called Envy, that's acoustic guitar and vocals, but I play once a year. Sometimes in recitals Mujercitas Terror is a play that theme. Obviously I'd like to spend a little more time and burn something. On the other hand, there are the stories with drawings Daniela are very important to me and describe it as anything else that we were creating the world since our meeting, this issue deserves. Everything will come in due course. I expect that to happen. "

My Interests


Member Since: 4/17/2008
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Type of Label: Major

My Blog

MUJERCITAS TERROR/entrevista el silencio>8. Mujercitas Terror    Después de unas semanas de calor insoportable hoy llueve torrencialmente. Justo cuando tengo que escribir sobre Muje...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 11:01:00 GMT


Textos .. --> Header: [end] --> .. --> Plugin inserted: [begin] --> Al fin ve la luz el disco de Mujercitas Terror Por: José Loschi octubre 12, 2007 .. type="text/javascr...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:54:00 GMT

MUJERCITAS TERROR/por Cecilia Martínez Ruppel

11/10/2007  La mañana es horrible por Cecilia Martínez Ruppel    El lunes es feriado, sí señor, y cuando se dan esos milagros uno busca desesperadamente qué opciones...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:51:00 GMT

MUJERCITAS TERROR/ raros y felices x Andy grey

Mujercitas Terror... Viernes 23.40, suena el teléfono.- Hola, Andy... ¿Qué estas haciendo?  pregunta D.- Esperándote.- Recién llegamos, esto es un quilombo.- ¿Qué hacen?.- Y nada... nos quedamos acá....
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:48:00 GMT

MUJERCITAS TERROR/DISCO/global-art/Jose Loschi

Lanzamientos .. --> Header: [end] --> .. --> Plugin inserted: [begin] --> Mujercitas Terror - "Mujercitas Terror" (Independiente, 10.2007) Por: José Loschi octubre 23, 2007 Los Muj...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:37:00 GMT

MUJERCITAS TERROR/ en x Nicolas Lantos

Bs. As. 20.3ºC / 55% VXV Videos | Te Busco | Fotos | Tonos | Chat | Música Más opciones... SERVICIOS   Antivirus   Asterisco Mail   Chat  ...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:27:00 GMT

MUJERCITAS TERROR/ senhorf/Brasil>> .. --> fwtable fwsrc="frame-esquerdo.png" fwbase="noticias-listagem.gif" fwstyle="Dreamweaver" fwdocid = "590267977" fwne...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:19:00 GMT

MUJERCITAS TERROR/ senseimagazine

el 2007 entra en sus últimas semanas y a nosotros no nos queda otra cosa mas que hacer que empezar con los típicos y clásicos resumenes/listas de las mejores cosas del año. si, en sensei somos bastant...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:16:00 GMT

MUJERCITAS TERROR/ en popnervioso

sábado 22 de diciembre de 2007 EL EXTRAÑO MUNDO DE MUJERCITAS TERROR Lágrimas en los ojos, terror en ausencia, melancolía iluminada, como en Los Pájaros, aquel ya clásico filme de Alfred Hitchco...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:11:00 GMT

MUJERCITAS TERROR/ el altillo under

Mujercitas Terror Posted on 3:47 PM No Comments Etiquetas: Argentina, disco, garage, Mp3, Mujercitas Terror El Garage rock de tonalidades oscuras y horizontes propios de otras realidades ap...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:07:00 GMT