I edited my profile with my amazing mental powers
Watching the news until I end up screaming at the anchors about how they do their job worse than anyone in history and that they are contributing to the downfall of western society by feeding us one-sided lies. Generally it takes about 45 seconds. Then I play some super Nintendo or play guitar. If it's winter all I do is snowboard.
Lots of Zombies because you can't shoot real people.
I saw this movie called Liar Liar and the message was, don't lie. And that was a smart movie.
At this point, you might be asking yourself, 'why am I holding this 30lb. Cinder block in my hands? You might also ask yourself, 'why does this cinder block have a long piece of string tied to it? And finally, why is the other end of this string tied securely to my penis?
Danny, put another round in that woman over there! Look! She's a twitcher!
So cold...can't move...can't feel...can't make complete sentences.
Futurama and The Office.
The Gunslinger series. The Song of Ice and Fire, The Coldfire Trilogy, Dantes Inferno, WOT, and Harry Potter.
Whoever stabs Ryan Seacrest in the face first wins this title, you have to say "Seacrest out mutha fucker" while you do it.