Dot Comma Dash profile picture

Dot Comma Dash

About Me

Listen to the retro, techno sounds of DOT COMMA DASH - here is BLACK HOLE from their DOT COMMA TECHNO cd - 'I am falling deep inside of a big black hole'

Black Hole by Dot Comma Dash

That just takes us out into deep space. Here is another of our favourite clips - Dreams of Elphisan - hope you like it too!

Dreams of Elphisan by Dot Comma Dash

My Interests


Member Since: 17/04/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Dot -
and Dash-

Slip72 by Dot Comma Dash

Influences: We are influenced by alcohol, tobacco, marijuanna, psychedelics, opiates, chocolate and other substances - not necessarily in that order. We are also influenced by beautiful women, pretty women and even by plain, normal women who might not be beautiful or pretty - but of course they are - in our eyes.

Musically we are influenced by Dot Comma Dash - and a little bit by Chris Loft who pulls all our strings. We are not puppets.

Time to watch another video.

Ladies and Gentlement! Boys and Girls of all ages! Let's get ready to BELLY DANCE . . . .

Oudinary by Dot Comma Dash

Dot Comma Dash are the belly-danding champions of the WORLD.

Sounds Like: Sounds like nothing you have ever heard before. Totally original, alternative, experimental, ambient, dance and trance, with a little bit of hip hop, flip flop and trip trop. Cool.

Dancing in the Static by Dot Comma Dash

See what we mean . . .

Record Label: Radio Curly

My Blog

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