How about a list of people who'd like to meet me? I think I am the shiznittle. Don't believe me? Ask me. I'm the only one that believes it though. I have already met a ton of great people since I moved to Vegas from Oklahoma in '96. Since then, I've partied like a rock star. I decided to settle down a bit and marry the one girl who has seen me lose my class, my charm, and my temper and STILL wants to be with me! Actually, I would like to meet the guy who said Dave Matthews does not sound like a douche bag and staple that liar's nuts to a tire then hit the gas. I would rather give Michael Jackson a Viagra and let him babysit my kids before listening to that whiney bitch Dave.Fans of Jimmy Buffett are Parrot Heads, fans of Dave Mathews are Shit Heads!