My Blog
But seriously, After practice today Patrick(Patches) told me and Tom that his heart just wasn't in the band any more. Many of you may not know this, but Patrick is not a big fan of pop punk. But d...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jun 2009 13:25:00 GMT
Heres whats been going on in our lives.Adam left the band, so Patches moved to bass. Which means were looking for a drummer. If you want, come jam with us. Shits not hard, just play fast.Weve got ...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 00:31:00 GMT
So about that cover...
Adam and I have this little project we do. Every once and a while we get together and record our own versions of our favorite pop songs. Stacy's Mom is one of them and one of our favorites...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 20:07:00 GMT
I had hand surgery. They gave me the warmest socks ever to wear at the hospital.We tracked guitars for two new songs the day before. Drums, bass, and vocals start in a week or so.Expect ne...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 05:16:00 GMT
Whats Going On Now
YOOOOOOOOOOOOO!November is looking like a pretty busy month for us show wise. It's been a while and we're all stoked to finally be playing again.Funny story. Two weeks ago we were all at t...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 08:29:00 GMT
Shit. That was probably the best show we've ever played. Thanks to all the kids who stagedived, ran in circles, moshed, skanked, and sang along.To the kids that started that fight during our set, ne...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 19:17:00 GMT
Tonight was the first night of tracking for our next EP/Demo. OUr bassist Adam owns his own studio (LOUDMOUTH SOUND, CHECK IT OUT IN THE TOP 12), so we we're really able to take our time.Adam and I a...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 01:20:00 GMT