Sage- Guardian of The Scriptures profile picture

Sage- Guardian of The Scriptures

About Me

Throughout the history of the Bible, God has risen up a willing and obedient vessel ready to stand to the death for the honor and glory of His Name. Such is the story of Sage. Sage- acronym for Serving the Almighty God Eternally has committed himself to just that, serve God radically and boldly with no shame presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this generation with no compromise. Through his preaching and music ministry, people of different backgrounds, cultures, and even religions have been impacted by the ministry this young man offers. From South Carolina to West Virginia and still expanding, Sage is coming presenting hope, inspiration, deliverance, and salvation in Jesus Christ through his music ministry and preaching of The Word of God. Prepared to be engaged with anointed worship chants, high praise, and the soul shaking message of Jesus Christ through the music ministry of Sage.

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My Interests


Member Since: 16/04/2008
Band Website:
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Sounds Like:

View the complete Sage- Serving the Almighty GOD Eternally tour schedule
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Booking info for Sage

Blessings to you and your ministry!My name is Sage, Christian rapper from Charleston, SC. I am a youth leader and minister-in-training at my local church in Charleston and have a great burden and desi...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 13:57:00 GMT

Does Charleston, SC really like Gospel rap music?

OK Charleston SC i need your honest opinion since this is home for me. Do you guys really like Gospel rap music or not. I'm being honest so i need all of you to be honeset with me, Yes/ No and if you ...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 00:18:00 GMT