Keiththecomedian- Yahoo MessengerWhats up people! I love being myself and I love my friends, family, and comedy. You can call me crazy but I'm JUST BEING MYSELF and most people are afraid to do that because they rely on the opinions of other people. But I say F*** that! If you don't offer advice or anything to help another person don't open your mouth. Most of the time I keep to myself because talking can bring out the ignorance in most people. Which also why I do stand-up comedy. I love expressing myself in ways other people can't understand. You can call me perverted, crazy, or just dumb but I'm always gonna be me! They're some people that I really like to appreciate in my comedy career over the past years. Sampson for being my best friend in comedy and my life and helping me with my personality, the first Legendary clique of comedy (Matt Stovall, Tyler Richardson, Niem, Andy Hanes, Jordan Owens, Mike Way, Danny aka "Jesus") for just being good friends, Jermaine Fowler for just being himself and not quiting on comedy for that I think he is one of the funniest young comics that I've ever known, Chris Barylick for being a good friend and rides back and forth from open mics and Tyler Sonnichsen for being a good friend, not giving a Fooze, and radio time at Georgetown University was so much fun too, Nick Mullen for Just being himself and Greg Pahanish for stage time, Ian Salmon, Kacie Wade, Curt Shackelford,John McBride, Diana Siaz, Ryan Conner, Seaton and Godfather for giving me stage time in the most wierdest places ,especially Ian and Kacie for believing in me and giving me some time to see what I had to say. Also my mentors of comedy such as Freddie Vernell and Lawrence Owens for believing in me even at times I was stubbourn, Ayanna Dookie, Eddie B., Seaton for giving me some great advice about the things I was doing wrong I really appreciate you guys for that and even though it doesn't seem like it but I look up to you guys! And I thank other people that I might have even forgotten about. Thanks to my best friends Jimmy, Eric, Chris, Josh, Phalece, Steph, and my managers and friends Marc and Mr. Leroy for keeping me around and not terminating my black ASS!
I thank you all!!!!!!!
- Keith the comedian
Whatz up everybody i'm 19. My first love is comedy i look up to the greats such as George Lopez, Dwayne Perkins, Tom Popa, and especially Bill Burr.THAT'S ME "THE BLACK GUY" DROPPING CHICKEN TACOS! What a stereotype... width="425" height="350">.. ....>.. width="425" height="350">.. .. ....>
if i
if i - justin timberlake ft t.i.