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Those who exercise the enormous muscle that lays beneath one's skull...
"Dean Kagan, distinguished faculty, parents, friends, graduating seniors, Secret Service agents, class agents, people of class, people of color, colorful people, people of height, the vertically constrained, people of hair, the differently coiffed, the optically challenged, the temporarily sighted, the insightful, the out-of- sight, the out-of-towners, the Eurocentrics, the Afrocentrics, the Afrocentrics with Eurailpasses, the eccentrically inclined, the sexually disinclined, people of sex, sexy people, sexist pigs, animal companions, friends of the earth, friends of the boss, the temporarily employed, the differently employed, the differently optioned, people with options, people with stock options, divestiturists, deconstructionists, home constructionists, home boys, homeless, temporarily housed at home, and, God save us, the permanently housed at home."
-Gary Trudeau, opening speech at Yale University's Class Day, May 1991