Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* profile picture

Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!*

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am Keeper of The:

Name: Jinva Blaziko
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Western Sign: Pisces
Chinese Sign: Tiger
Status: In a Relationship
Orientation: Straight
Smoke/Drink: yes/yes
Children: Someday

Hanging with friends

Beastie Boys
Dir en Grey
Marilyn Manson
and...some other stuff...Pharaoh Jinva Blaziko
*loves him!~Arms to Kill!*

"Love song for da dear departed, headstone for da broken-hearted. Alms to kill, or flowers to steal!"

Say Something Dammit!!

Proud to be a Furry

Furry is LifeRP Me:
My name is Jinva Zakjen Blaziko. I am a very complex type of creature. Very new to the genre of creatures in fact. I am original, a type of furry if you vill, but not so simply categorized as say a volf or a tiger furry. I am however, feline-descended.
My great ancestors were none other dhan da great smiladon (sabor-toothed tiger) of the prehistoric ages of my vorld. My kind's evolution goes vay back. Beginning vith, of course, smiladon, dhen branching off into other big cat species to finally evolve into a bipedal cat-like race known as zulids. Da zulids split into two other races eons later, da hudai and da malcans. I, Jinva, am a hybrid of dhose two cat-related beings.
Running through my veins is da blood of da modernized small-built, big-brained hudai, and dhen da versitile, brauny genes of a malcan; a flit malcan to be precise (dhey are the type of malcan vith dragon-like vings; a genetic mutation in evolution). Dhat explains my cat-like, but also reptile-like qualities, though I am in no vay related to a reptile.

Anyvay, how I became a Pharaoh is simple. In my adventures vith Kalisha da Firevitch in alternate realities, ve come across a furry Egypt at one point and I vake up as a Pharaoh. Scary I know...but so fucking cool!! Bahahaha!!

RL Me: ... . ... nonayourbizznass!! ^^ unless you're not a stalker...

If you vish to talk vith me outside Myspace
MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: demun_theef99

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Horror novels
Graphic Novels

My Blog

Jinva The Demi-Goddess

NAME: Pharaoh Jinva Blaziko, The Pharaoh, Jinva, and Keeper of the OdGod Type: [x] Demi-God, [] Lesser God, [] Intermediate God, [] Greater GodPortfolio: ~what you are associated with (EXP: I'm death,...
Posted by Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:28:00 PST

My Rules!

1.) Do not ask me to comment your pics in the middle of an RP unless you do it out of character. Of course after I do this, I expect it done back to me in return. If I don't, I am going back in there...
Posted by Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 02:18:00 PST

Mutter (Mother) Lyrics - Rammstein

~ No matter how ultimately disturbing or vile the lyrics, I love them. Mutter (Mother) Lyrics ©2001 Rammstein. Die Tränen greiser Kinderschar ich zieh sie auf ei...
Posted by Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:58:00 PST

Drawing (RL)

Five drawings to do....hmmm, instructor says to find what catches your eye.  Welp, nothing in Eugene really catches my eye dammit! ... Unless it's out of the ordinary, but....everything is out of...
Posted by Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 09:09:00 PST

First Day Back (RL)

Okay...first day back to college..let's see, where do I begin? Well, the first class at 8:30 was sure kind of a load. A load of talking and introductions of course.  Talk of a huge group project,...
Posted by Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 03:08:00 PST

Jinva Blaziko ... His Story...and ...The Od...(still continued again)

Curiosity killed the cat, yes? ... least that's what they this had the potential to kill Malcolm. Yes, Malcolm did return to that forest, but with not before getting a reaso...
Posted by Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 11:04:00 PST

Jinva Blaziko ... His Story...and ...The Od...(still continued)

After many years passed, Jinva came of age, 21 years or so he looked, but someone else also came into play, Malcolm, also older, about 18 or so. Unlike Jinva, Malcolm, lived a much more pampered life...
Posted by Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 09:21:00 PST

Jinva Blaziko ... His Story...and ...The Od...(continued)

So, in Jinva's misery, secret to the followers and people among the now huge Krodocian Empire as he was dubbed as a "prince" but was treated much lower than that; more of a errand boy for his father i...
Posted by Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 02:27:00 PST

Jinva Blaziko ... His Story...and ...The Od...

OOC: Well now, you prolly all are wondering about my character Jinva that I pain-stakingly developed through the years in high school (sketching him and other characters, writing about them...not payi...
Posted by Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 12:32:00 PST


Posted by Pharaoh Jinva *loves him!~Arms to Kill!* on Wed, 24 May 2006 03:48:00 PST