I am the female lead vocalist in a talented Chicago country band called Lucky Town. We perform throughout Chicagoland, and though I'm fairly biased, I think my boys are pretty awesome! I am truly blessed to perform with them and to be performing anywhere other than my shower or in my parent's basement on the karaoke machine. Though I must say - I will always enjoy performing in those places too!
I also have a background in marketing and am seeking a full-time gig in the western burbs. It is a tough economy right now, and it's pretty disheartening knowing that I'm competing for jobs against almost 8 percent of the state. However, I have to believe that change is coming and that things will eventually get better. Until then, it is music and the support of great friends and family that continues to build my inner strength and provide me with the encouragement, support and motivation to keep fighting.
For everyone else out there who is facing hardship - you are in my prayers and please know that this too shall pass!