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My name is Denise and I am a 57 year old female living in the Kansas City Missouri area. I have had one child in my life and his name is Terry Sean Graven. Sean was born 2 hours and 20 mins. before my 19th birthday. We were very close and celebrated our birthdays together many, many times. He was the bright spot in my life and made ever single day worth living. Sean had an addiction to alcohol like his father and it eventually took his life on July 29th 2003. I miss my son so much and although I hide my feelings a lot, I cry everyday and my heart aches for him everyday. People just don't want to talk about someone who has passed over, especially a child. I put my son's name up on MySpace because he put the sparkle in my life. Sean was an extreme Mickey Mouse lover so I made MySpace in honor of my son. For all of you that think an alcohol death is from drinking and driving, alcohol poison, suicide or cirrhosis of the are wrong. There are so many other ways that alcohol can kill you. My son hemorrhaged to death. His stomach eaten up with alcohol. It was a senseless death. Our government can take our tax money from cigarettes and alcohol and not care what consequences that people have from their addictions. There is no help for these people, they have to die to pay the price for their addictions. TO BE CONTINUEDDIVIDER
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Myspace Layouts at / Mickey mouse club beach
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