The Flowerhouse profile picture

The Flowerhouse

About Me

I sat with Chris Schulchan under an immense snow dusted Weeping willow as the cloudless Arctic sky drowned into the chaosmos beyond an expanse of frostbitten foothills and Steaming river Smog. He'd trisected into a bacon infested salad and a sandbox from 1967 as we Spined through an array of ‘not so’ Surf and British pop reminiscence. An uncertain Revolution seized on etic gifts before the Bhuddas and Mystics took to bio-electric connections. During that time he was off to Restoration sites and over Oriental occupations, Occidentally employed 2 blocks down and a street over from the Crack Mac's and losing his folk process to the Digi-Delta Phi armies.A few weeks later I found him in Kensington at Bud Cohen’s ‘Round the back and up the stairs Open house party. Analoging Thetas and absorbed in meditation through the Digitally beta. We tuned in a lot, and since turned out a Bicycle ride through the blossom world, over the arrowhead hills which led us to the flowerhouse. Spring blossoms swift summer thoughts, and he is in Bloom when encouraged to seed a New song. As the Meaning is just the Message, he will be tilled deeply to pollinated senses. You could hear it now, built into multisourced polystatic Gateways.Entropy emphatically falls into negative, Perception synchronized by six and ten. Lets do the time Warp again. - John West, February, 2009

My Interests


Member Since: 15/04/2008
Band Members:
Influences:Carlos Casteneda, Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Richard Alpert, Alan Watts, Maxwell Maltz, E.F. Schumacher, Colin Wilson, Tom Wolfe, Hunter S. Thompson, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and Avatar Meher Baba.
Sounds Like:Lo-fi maybe, I Listen to Tandyn Almer, Curt Boettcher, The Electric Prunes, The Pink Floyd, The Music Machine, Twentieth Century Zoo, Boyce & Hart, The Gun, The Brave New World, Gabor Szabo, P.F. Sloan....
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Flowerhouse Mentioned in The Sunday Experience Fanzine (U.K.)

...With a name like The Flowerhouse Im thinkingthat this lot were always going to be loved in our gaff even before asingle note was heard. And so we were right - admit it The Flowerhouse- its a name...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 00:49:00 GMT