My interests are God, Philosophy, Logical reasoning, and seeking absolute truth. When it comes to truth and knowledge, I am a realist. This view holds that there IS a reality external to our minds that we CAN KNOW! My main pursuit in study is, Apologetics and Philosophy. Apologetics is the study in the defense of a position. Therefore, I loved a good challenge. When one defends intellectually, one is practicing "apologetics." I am also a firm believer in Irenic Theology. If one would apply the principles of irenic theology and critical thinking, we would all be of the same mind logically. We must follow the evidence where ever it leads us. We cannot force ourselves to believe that which is not true and remain rational. This may seem a little off the subject, but it brings my last point home. There's a difference between ice cream and insulin. When choosing ice cream, you can choose what you like. When choosing medicine, you must choose what heals. When choosing ice cream you can choose what is subjectively true for you. When choosing medicine you must choose what is objectively true. There is significant confusion on this point.Many choose God, religion, and morals like ice cream and not like insulin. They choose religious views according to tastes, according to what they prefer rather than according to what is actually true.How have you determined truth in the past? Think about it... Always remember these five words, Truth Is Not Ice Cream!My main goal in life is to seek "absolute truth." If you are post modern (a relativist) and you object by saying, "There is no such thing as absolute truth!" I must in return ask, "Is that statement ABSOLUTELY TRUE or just relative to your system of beliefs?" I am also a seeker of knowledge and wisdom. Everyone desires to know right? If you object to that statement, then why are you here reading my page? I believe absolute truth does infact exists and it can infact be known! Since it can be known, I want to know! I have a mind therefore I want to use it to, Cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against true knowledge, and bringing into captivity every thought that contradicts the truth. For more information on this please see my blogs. Come now and let us reason together!
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Anything and everything. It just depends on my mood
The Bible (NASB, NET, KJV), Decision making and the will of God by Garry Friesen(A must read!), The Reason Driven Life and the Incredible Shrinking Son of Man by Robert M. Price, The book that your church doesnt want you to read, Mere Christianity, Christian Apologetics, Love your God with all of your mind, Smart faith, Why I am a Christian and many many more. I love to read! (Non-fiction)
All great men of philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Jesus, David Hume, Renee Descarts, ect.