I absolutely LOVE my family and friends. They are tremendously important to this chinky-eyed girl. Also...I like stuff, and I don't like stuff. Oh and napping...
Old friends, new friends, red friends, blue friends and these guys....*shrugs* but you'll do nicely...
I love music, period...but who doesn't? It can bring you into your own darkness or lift your spirits high above the clouds...rouse hidden emotions...takes you back to moments you've longed to return to, and takes you back to moments you've wished never found a place in your memory...inspires creativity or just plain gives you something to shake your body to.
I watch lots of them. Too many to list...I may develop carpel tunnel upon trying.
I enjoy the radiation that's emitted from them and the colors are pretty.
Is that what you call those objects? Jokes. Jeff Lindsay's Dexter series (macabre and so addicting), Boston Strangler, basically anything that deals with suspense or horror, I'm also a big Sci-fi/Fantasy nerd :P All of the Harry Potter Series (except for the one where Harry dies...j/k), The Secret (don't hate, it's a good read), DIY books (because I like to do it...myself lol), and "How to improve your finances" type books...blah blah, yackity-shmackity."How do you know I'm mad?" asked Alice. "You must be", said the cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here"
My little guy, Jonathan, because without him I wouldn't be the person I am today; he's taught me responsibility, how to not take life too seriously, and how to make fart noises with your arm pits. My parents, grandparents, and those who I've learned any life lessons from.