Alex profile picture


Fobbier by the day. =)

About Me

I've learned a lot about myself in the past 2 years. For those that don't know.. I moved to Taiwan/China 2 years ago. Spent 6 months in Taiwan and have been in China for the rest of the time. The things I do for a career. Thank god my time in China is almost over. As of today.. 5 days left. Then back to sunny Cali. I've learned that I can take a lot of crap... and that it is impossible to get along with everyone. I feel like I've grown a lot in these past 2 years. Got to know real independence.Let's see.. random stuff about myself... like to go fishing.. snowboarding... oh ya.. and eating. =P

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My Interests

Anything that gets me out of the house is fun. Even just driving around... as the song goes.. "riding around in my automobile.. with no particular place to go"

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm... it'd be cool to meet up with old friends.


I think I've become a true FOB. Wang Leehom all da way baby!!!!!


comedies... action.. i watch it all... even chick flicks. hahaha.


Don't know what's on anymore.. been in Asia too long.


I've read 2 books... they're both pretty good.. Da Vinci Code and Memoirs of a Geisha. I READ THEM BOTH BEFORE THE MOVIES EVER CAME OUT!!!!!


The guy.. Chicken.. from Young and Dangerous.. he a bad ass. =)