Express yourself. Find yourself within your SELF.Discover what makes you special,everyone has something. Generally we concentrate on our lacks,try seening the glass half full,it's all point of view,it comes down to prespective. Become aware of your limiting beliefs,reprogram yourself,rewire lacks and desires and watch the possiblities expand. by Maximvs Spiritual WarriorBE AWARE OF YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS FOR THIS IS THE MESSAGE YOU ARE SENDING OUT AND AS SUCH THAT WHICH YOU SHALL ATTRACT. by MAXIMVS Spiritual Warriorhref="
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SU TAINO GUARBIO HERMANO KAHAYARIXYes we will never be forgotten, they try to kill us off but we are still here. For by the grace of the Creatorand Atabey will be here to show what was done to us. Many will say to let go of the past. But how can welet go of the past when the past is still going on now. How my people are still being killed for who theyare. How the American government still are committing genocide on my people. And when I say myPeople I say all Native people in the North America and South America. And also to my Taino and CaribsBrothers and Sisters who many do not know they are native. For this government still commit crimes toall my people. They have disrespected our ways of life, for they have killed and try to kill our languagethey have stolen our land. And now they conitnue it in many part of the world today. We need to standup and keep our Pride we must stand up and Raise our Fist up high and never let it go to the side. Standup stand up stand up I say it to all and Fight the Fight with pride hold your head up high and know that Iam by your side and your side and your side. Live for nothing or die 4 something.