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About Me

Wrestling on Tap is a internet radio broadcast based in the Motor City, Detroit, MI. Wrestling on Tap offers listeners a high energy, entertaining program with a chance to hear real commentary from real fans of Professional Wrestling and Mixed Martial Arts. Hosts Mark Hetrick, Rick Walters and Matt Demeester offer news, opinions and commentary with incite, intelligence and humor. Since its inception, Wrestling on Tap has interviewed some of the biggest names in Pro Wrestling and Mixed Marital Arts; Tito Ortiz, Frank Shamrock, Bill Demott, Jimmy Jacobs, Gary Shaw (President of ProElite) and Cary Silkin (Owner and President of Ring of Honor) just to name a few.
You can download the show straight from our web site www.wrestlingontap.com or you can subcribe to it on i-tunes.
Each week they discuss news and opinions on WWE, ECW, TNA and MMA. As each member of the broadcast team would agree, (well, maybe not Rick) they are not experts. They are simply three fans with a strong passion for the pro-wrestling industry.
Along with their weekly broadcasts members of WOT write monthly columns on everything pro-wrestling related. Each week holds something different and their listeners never know what to expect.
You can contact any one of the WOT commentators by e-mail through www.wrestlingontap.com

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Left click on the link below to listen to WOT's exclusive interview with UFC owner Dana White*, right click to downlaod it (6.60MB).
*=May not be Dana White
Dana White Interview


Wrestling On Tap Hosts
Mark Hetrick
Rick Walters
Matt Demeester