[Dave] - R.T.T.M. profile picture

[Dave] - R.T.T.M.

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey all
Am dave am 20 years old and i live in the sky blue world of coventry!!!!! My main point in life is 2 be wid the pep i love (family and friends) and also travel the world if u look further down my page u can see where i have already been but i have many plans to keep goin and much bigger scale than last time!!!! Hope ya all good any how!!!!!
This would be me.........
Write so those of u who no me you no i recentley went off round the world so heres a few pics....... Those who dont general short story.... Went to america with joe new zealand by myself and met my sister in australia for a wile aswell!!!!
So i started in hollywood (now my pics of the hollywood sign didnt come out, d'oh so it is in the background of the first pic)
Also Went to the grand canyon!!!!
Also San francisco (Thats Alcatraz)
Thats me and joe with L.A behind us!!!!
Now i have loads More pics but there all on another website so if u send me a message i will send u the link for some reason it wont stay on here...... D'oh!!!!Any How here some pics of New zealand!!!! (by the way if you havent bin then you HAVE 2 go its just a million times better than disney land)
We got of 2 a quick?? start (joe doesnt do jetlag)
This is the Canyon Swing...... Fooking SWEET, the best/SCARYEST thing I have ever done but wouldnt of changed it for the world......
Am at the front!!!!
A bar..... Not any bar its ALL made of ice the bar, the furniture even the god dam glass you drink out of.
What a view!!!!
Now you tell me you wouldnt want to see this in the flesh and breath in the cleanest air in the world (i sound like a hippy hehe kool) also for those of you who are in love with LORD OF THE RINGS a fair few scenes were shot where am standin in this pic and the other mountain aswell!!!!
Met some really kool friends aswell however theres more pics of us on the website!!!!
Check out my buddy on the left of this pic ermmm my arm kinda landed in the private area Ouch!!!!
Then it was of to australia!!!! To meet my sis and bro, good times!!!!
O and one for the ladys look who was in town at the same time as myself!!!!
Also went to amsterdam in june 2006 to visit my friend from holland and denmark now not many pics can be put on the in ternet for obvious reasons (i.e so no fucker can print them and send them 2 family so so!!!!)
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My Interests

This is queenstown New Zealand I am saving my frigging ass off 2 go here and will do SOOOOO much 2 get back here!!!!

This is the older 1 of the ford kids she a lucky s.o.b as shes living in new zealand grrr!!! Ok jealous bit over, am missing her lots and carnt wait 2 see her hopfulley later this year shes a top sister and i love her lots and would do anything for her anytime anywhere (which helps as shes on the other side of the world at the min)

This is Willow, The Misses, Sex on legs, The legend, The old ball and chain hehe!!!! So anywho this is basicaley the girl who has made my life spig spagin fantastic and I have no idea how such a hot lady likes me but am not complaing cuz she's that hot with the best personality, I have never bonded with anybody so well for that alone I love her but she not only has that she does so much for me and like my sis she is 1 of 3 girls (not including mother and nan) I would do anything for!!!! I love the fact shes CRAZY like me and we laugh at random things and she lets me play PS3, HOW GOOD, I NO!!!!

This is shandy Pants, The Slag, The Player, The Whore....... & My Brother. Grown up with this Chap no one else in my life has been through so much with me from kids to teenage to twenteens, I love im and is 1 of 2 guys id take a bullet for but if u have a younger sister watch he stays away HAHA only kidding shandy pants we no you go for any age!!!! He's grown up a lot of late thank god and well proud of him for doing his A levels and getting on with life in a positive way he's a true gent overall and if I need help I no he would be there in a second!!!!

This is the G to the I Joe. The number 2 of guys I'd take a bullet for (excluding family again) he's my other brother and the best darn chef on earth!!!! He's a legend and I hope more than anything on earth he saves his ass of and sees new zealand again with me because it could have such a positive outcome on his life overall. He is quite clearly foing to have a career in cooking and I no already he's going to do so well.
readin 03,04,05,06 agghhh check out the short hair in 04!!!!




I recently got 2 meet my Idols in New Found Glory top guys and by far the best band out there!!!!





I also would love 2 meet these pep/animals/cartoons, yes am weird :)..
These would be the kool cats..


This is by far the best kids tv program ever i loved this program when i was little (would still watch it now if it was on) fox that guy was a true hero, hehe!!!!


LION KING "hell yeah!


You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !


My Grandad by far the biggest hero ever!!!!!!

My Blog


Well it came & it went........................................................ .............................................. but in between I had the best time EVER!!!!! From seeing some awesome ...
Posted by [Dave] - R.T.T.M. on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 02:52:00 PST


This by far the biggest blog I have EVER made if you were at the campbell on the May 24/25 and 26/27 odds on theres a picture of you on here!!!! If u were at my house for the party then theres the pic...
Posted by [Dave] - R.T.T.M. on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 06:53:00 PST

Campbell, TBS & The Academy Is!!!!

This was a mad ass weekend, friday night with every1 at the campbell saturday seein Taking Back Sunday and then Sunday The Academy Is live and meeting them (the drummer is a legend he let me stay...
Posted by [Dave] - R.T.T.M. on Tue, 23 May 2006 03:24:00 PST

Campbell 24/25 march..... Words speak louder than pictures!!!!!

Posted by [Dave] - R.T.T.M. on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 05:26:00 PST

CAMPBELL & FAYES PICTURES!!!!!!!! Theres some good ones!!!!

Well hello again all, when ever i seem to make a blog on here it always involves the cambell...... hmmmm do u think am there to much..... ITS ALL GOOD!!!! Well theres definatley some classics in this ...
Posted by [Dave] - R.T.T.M. on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 09:16:00 PST

Cambell, Colly my 19th Pictures!!!!

Hey all hope your all well. Well here they are the pics from the three days of my b day including wed at the cambell, thur at the dragon pheonix/the colly and cambell on friday. It was a pritty c...
Posted by [Dave] - R.T.T.M. on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 05:19:00 PST


Hey all well its my b day on fri (6th of jan) so this is a call for all you beautifull pep to be in cambell on fri to drink the night away in style!!!! So if you think you can beat me at the old drink...
Posted by [Dave] - R.T.T.M. on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 01:33:00 PST

Every 1 hates the new boy!!!!

Hey all i have no idea how to do stuff on here as i have just finaley made my self a my space page!!!! I have been spending ages putting all my photos onto a yahoo web page so the link will be on here...
Posted by [Dave] - R.T.T.M. on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 08:51:00 PST