I go by
I am the co-site moniter for JUGGALETTES GONE WICKED!!! I'm also an admin for WWW.JUGGALOZONE.COM. WHich sadly it has been taken down. I am also the creator and admin for Juggalos Gone Wicked. Yea..you know I rock like that bitches. ANYWAYS!! I also have my OWN site. It;s still under construction but it's still there. Its
www.cupcakessprinkles.weebly.com. So yea. And all the profiles that won't let me send you messages till I'm your friend..I can't answer your questions and it annoys me that I can't answer...ANYWAYS I'm pretty likeable until you piss me off. Don't piss me off. I'm
married to the most AMAZING man ever. His name is
Killa. He's meh shexay dingy...respect that. My friends ARE also my family...deal with it..Don't like me? FUCK OFF MY PAGE THEN BITCH! I've got bigger balls in my mouth than you have between your legs anyways. I'm indifferent. I'm a mother fucking PARADOX! Now sing along to my tune
"Dig me now, fuck me later, FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT!". I know I'm a bitch. So I've got three words for you...
SUCK MY DICK!... You think it bothers me one bit? I'm the Queen of the Brass Balls mother fucker! I'd rather eat fish then kiss your ass. And i HATE seafood. I'm your
♥Sweetest Nightmare♥. So get used to being in a
COMA. The only thing I will ever sugarcoat are my cookies. I'm a SHEXAY FAT KIID!! I am of the shexay fat kiid united!! We will squash you one day. If we ever get our asses off the couch long enough. Jiggly stuff is the thing of the future. I am the future Jellotin Leader of the world. EAT MY JIGGLY SHORTS IF YOU DONT LIKE IT!
I am strangely obssessed with stuffed animals. I collect Tea Sets and I play dress up when everyone thinks I'm SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPING. I like my sleep. If you have my number..NEVER call before ten in the morning. Next person who calls my phone and speaks another language, I will shove the english dictionary down your throat. If you call and I don't pick up, I'm either
A sleeping,
B In the shower,
C eating because I'mma shexay fatt kiid,
D Out with friends,
E Out with David, or
F on the phone with David.. Mess with him and I PROMISE you, you'll regret being born. Touch whatever is mine..friends...family..my dingy....I will cut your innards out and shove em down your throat and make you eat yourself. Choke on my
SARCASM you skanky hookers. I like my life and how I run it. I'm an overly random person. Got a problem with how I deal with things? Then you
SUCK. I could care less if you like me. But don't lie to me. If you take the time to get to know me I promise you I'll probably be one of the most loyal friends you'll ever have. But don't break my confidence, because then you'll wish I had never found out that you did.
RAWR! I sometimes wish I could be a dinosaur. With a big head and lil arms!! muwhahahaha!! With pointy teeth. But how did dinosaurs get their teeth clean?? ewww...
ANYWAYS!! I absolutely fucking HATE being thought stupid. If you are ever going to be my friend, don't think I'm stupid and try to lie and talk shit about me.
I WILL FIND OUT!. Also, don't blame me for shit I didn't do. It doesn't fly well and I will drop you quicker then you can say Yogurt. Be honest with me and
RESPECT THAT I HAVE A WONDERFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH DAVID! I'm sorry your relationship with your significant other
SUCKS, but thats gives you no fucking right to try and ruin my happiness. Stop Starving for attention. Your mentally anorexic anyways. Next person to try and fuck up my life will never come out of that hospital. Go on and get your cheese on bitches. PEACE,LOVE AND TACOS!
1. How old are you Cupake?
If you have a myspace, you know how to find out.
2. Whats your real name?
To you, it's CupCake or Commander CupCake
3. Will you send me nude pics?
Learn to read! I'm married!
If you actually ask me this
you should be hit by a bus.
4. Do you know so-an-so?
Iunno. Maybe.
5. Can we meet?
No. I'm not going all over the place
just to meet you.
Very few people on my myspace
Know me in person.
Theres only few exceptions.
6. Will you model for my site?
If I want to model for you, I'll ask
7. Are you and you hunni going to break up?
As stupid as it is, I've been asked this.
No, We are engaged and practically married.
Get over it.
8. Are you Bi?
Hahaha read my blogs. BaBy OiLz took my lesbian virginity.
9. Are you going out with David/Killa?
YES!!! Stop asking me this. We have been together for 2 and a half years. Read my profile, look at my pictures, that question is getting old and really redundant. You know I am so dont ask it anymore.
10. Whats up?
Absolutely nothing. If you are going to message me, please put something substancial there. I get the "whats up" all the time. It's overplayed. Start a conversation!
11. Can I have your cell number?
Message me and ask me that. I refuse to have my number on comments and shit.
12. Will you make me a sign/edit a pic for me?
Unless you donated something to me or a reeeeaaally good friend of mine, you must do one for me before i do one for you. Whatever you do for me, I'll do as well. You make em a sign..i make you a sign. You edit, I edit. See?
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net†my friends call me
†David calls me
†Brittany calls me
♥Shaniqua Latifa Moesha Jones♥†
†Skitlz calls me
†Zombie calls me
♥Jeebus or Hunneh Bunneh♥†
†Brittany and Jessica call me
†Uhlissuh calls me
†Half the guys I know call me
†You can call me
♥CupCake♥†Yes, I run Juggalettes Gone Wicked with Baby Oilz. Click the banner to go to the page!