Psychotically♥Numb<K.C + C.C= ♥> profile picture

Psychotically♥Numb&lt;K.C + C.C= ♥&gt;

Even the Devil weeps when †Angels† Fall

About Me

I go by CupCake. I am the co-site moniter for JUGGALETTES GONE WICKED!!! I'm also an admin for WWW.JUGGALOZONE.COM. WHich sadly it has been taken down. I am also the creator and admin for Juggalos Gone Wicked. know I rock like that bitches. ANYWAYS!! I also have my OWN site. It;s still under construction but it's still there. Its So yea. And all the profiles that won't let me send you messages till I'm your friend..I can't answer your questions and it annoys me that I can't answer...ANYWAYS I'm pretty likeable until you piss me off. Don't piss me off. I'm married to the most AMAZING man ever. His name is Killa. He's meh shexay dingy...respect that. My friends ARE also my with it..Don't like me? FUCK OFF MY PAGE THEN BITCH! I've got bigger balls in my mouth than you have between your legs anyways. I'm indifferent. I'm a mother fucking PARADOX! Now sing along to my tune "Dig me now, fuck me later, FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT!". I know I'm a bitch. So I've got three words for you...SUCK MY DICK!... You think it bothers me one bit? I'm the Queen of the Brass Balls mother fucker! I'd rather eat fish then kiss your ass. And i HATE seafood. I'm your ♥Sweetest Nightmare♥. So get used to being in a COMA. The only thing I will ever sugarcoat are my cookies. I'm a SHEXAY FAT KIID!! I am of the shexay fat kiid united!! We will squash you one day. If we ever get our asses off the couch long enough. Jiggly stuff is the thing of the future. I am the future Jellotin Leader of the world. EAT MY JIGGLY SHORTS IF YOU DONT LIKE IT!BOW DOWN TO MY SUPERIOR SMART-ITTUDE!! I am strangely obssessed with stuffed animals. I collect Tea Sets and I play dress up when everyone thinks I'm SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPING. I like my sleep. If you have my number..NEVER call before ten in the morning. Next person who calls my phone and speaks another language, I will shove the english dictionary down your throat. If you call and I don't pick up, I'm either A sleeping, B In the shower, C eating because I'mma shexay fatt kiid, D Out with friends, E Out with David, or F on the phone with David.. Mess with him and I PROMISE you, you'll regret being born. Touch whatever is dingy....I will cut your innards out and shove em down your throat and make you eat yourself. Choke on my SARCASM you skanky hookers. I like my life and how I run it. I'm an overly random person. Got a problem with how I deal with things? Then you SUCK. I could care less if you like me. But don't lie to me. If you take the time to get to know me I promise you I'll probably be one of the most loyal friends you'll ever have. But don't break my confidence, because then you'll wish I had never found out that you did. RAWR! I sometimes wish I could be a dinosaur. With a big head and lil arms!! muwhahahaha!! With pointy teeth. But how did dinosaurs get their teeth clean?? ewww...ANYWAYS!! I absolutely fucking HATE being thought stupid. If you are ever going to be my friend, don't think I'm stupid and try to lie and talk shit about me. I WILL FIND OUT!. Also, don't blame me for shit I didn't do. It doesn't fly well and I will drop you quicker then you can say Yogurt. Be honest with me and RESPECT THAT I HAVE A WONDERFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH DAVID! I'm sorry your relationship with your significant other SUCKS, but thats gives you no fucking right to try and ruin my happiness. Stop Starving for attention. Your mentally anorexic anyways. Next person to try and fuck up my life will never come out of that hospital. Go on and get your cheese on bitches. PEACE,LOVE AND TACOS!


1. How old are you Cupake?
If you have a myspace, you know how to find out.
2. Whats your real name?
To you, it's CupCake or Commander CupCake
3. Will you send me nude pics?
Learn to read! I'm married! If you actually ask me this you should be hit by a bus.
4. Do you know so-an-so?
Iunno. Maybe.
5. Can we meet?
No. I'm not going all over the place just to meet you. Very few people on my myspace Know me in person. Theres only few exceptions.
6. Will you model for my site?
If I want to model for you, I'll ask
7. Are you and you hunni going to break up?
As stupid as it is, I've been asked this. No, We are engaged and practically married. Get over it.
8. Are you Bi?
Hahaha read my blogs. BaBy OiLz took my lesbian virginity.
9. Are you going out with David/Killa?
YES!!! Stop asking me this. We have been together for 2 and a half years. Read my profile, look at my pictures, that question is getting old and really redundant. You know I am so dont ask it anymore.
10. Whats up?
Absolutely nothing. If you are going to message me, please put something substancial there. I get the "whats up" all the time. It's overplayed. Start a conversation!
11. Can I have your cell number?
Message me and ask me that. I refuse to have my number on comments and shit.
12. Will you make me a sign/edit a pic for me?
Unless you donated something to me or a reeeeaaally good friend of mine, you must do one for me before i do one for you. Whatever you do for me, I'll do as well. You make em a sign..i make you a sign. You edit, I edit. See?
Cyanide & Happiness @†my friends call me ♥CupCake♥
†David calls me ♥His SPACE CAKE♥
†Brittany calls me ♥Shaniqua Latifa Moesha Jones♥
†Skitlz calls me ♥CuppyCake♥
†Zombie calls me ♥Jeebus or Hunneh Bunneh♥
†Brittany and Jessica call me ♥Bunnie♥
†Uhlissuh calls me ♥Umburr♥
†Half the guys I know call me ♥Angel♥
†You can call me ♥CupCake♥†Yes, I run Juggalettes Gone Wicked with Baby Oilz. Click the banner to go to the page!

My Interests

ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IS APPRECIATED!!! Just message me or let me know you did and I will edit a pic for you gladly to show my appreciation. And as soon as I find another job and I can be safe with my bills I'll take this down. Im just asking for some help right not please. Just click the buttons to donate.

I'd like to meet:

My Fiancee. Him and I have been through ALOT of things togehter and we're still going strong. Two and a half years and he still gives me butterflies in my tummy. I see fireworks everytime he kisses me and I stil get flusttered when he smiles at me. He's my everything. I would do anything for him. He makes me feel whole. Because of him I firmly believe in soulmates and love at first sight. He makes my mouth water and go dry at the same time. I have so much I want to say to him yet he renders me speechless. From the first time I laid eye son him, he stole my breathe and captured my heart. Corny I know but I dont care. I love him with everything in me and soon we will be getting our own place and getting married. 12/21/05 till forever Ooblah!!!



Take My Quiz
What song made me cry at prom?
A) How do I live- LeAnn Rhymes
B) Lips of an Angel- Hinder
C) Amazed- Lonestar
Who am I absolutely in love with?
A) Kenny
B) David
C) Dale
Whats one of my favorite words?
A) Jeebus
B) Blah
C) Meh
What did I wish to have for christmas for four years?
A) IPod
B) My Prince Charming
C) To be back home
Make a Quiz for Your Profile!
So much to put'm such a I said earlier..I read and write..ALOT...and I'm a computer geek. I'm ALWAYS on the computer..I know I know..I have no go to local concerts and all..I go to the mall with friends when I can..I looooove music..hahaha..right now I'm oddly obssessed with Nymphetamine by Cradle of Filth... And my friends..I looove my friends
People who loooove me, leave me signs! Rock...Goth/Black metal...heavy metal..soft rock...I sometimes listen to the radio's hip-hop just because i grew up with the music before i started to delv into rock..i dance alot so name a few bands I listen too...ICP, Dark Lotus, Killa C, Tech N9ne, Bella Morte, Cradle of Filth, Rammstien, Hatebreed, System of a Down, Dimmu Borigir, Thrice Even, Three days grace, Lacuna Coil,Evanesence,Muse,Chevelle, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, CKY, AFI, Silverstein, Nine Inch Nails, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Skindred, Crossfade, A Perfect Circle, Nickleback,ABK, Kotton mouth Kings, S.O.M.A, Nightwish,Puddle of Mudd,Gorillaz, Brand New, The Used, Killswitch Engage, Weezer, Relient K.... and I'm rambling again aren't I? movies...I love being scared..and some action movies too..hahaha..they rawk...
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 94%
Romance - 100%
Self - Control - 6%
Kissing - 74%
Cuddling - 74%
Kinkiness - 52%
This Quiz by KillianO - Taken 6436 Times. New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice !I don't watch t.v too much anymore..but if I did I'd be watching Family Guy right now...Blood and Chocolate, The stories of Dreary and Naughty, Sweep series, Don't tell..awww...lots and lots books..I love going to Barnes and Nobles in Vegas..THEY'RE HUGE!!!!No heros...everyone has their faults so why take their faults when you have your own?


You were born in the year of The Ringmaster. Which means you run the show, anything you say goes without question.Relevant Years:1952, 1958, 1964, 1970, 1976, 1982, 1988, 1994, 2000. Most Compatible with The Amazing Jeckel Brothers.
Take this quiz !




David is my love, my life, my best friend, my addiction. He's had my heart from the first time he smiled at me. December 21rst, 2005 till forever My bumblebee!! Jeebus I love him to death. You will NEVER compare to him. He makes my heart whirl and gives me butterflies. He's the moon and stars to my night sky and I wouldnt have it any other way. Heather= My sister. I've known this chicka for over 16 years!! She's been there for me through thick and thin. We used to play dress up and dollies (I was the dollie since i was the smallest). Good times. She'll always be my baby momma! We may be crazy, but its worth it. Brittany is my P.I.M.P hahaha She always let me run away to her house. All the memories I have with her..hahaha The hooker phone! I love this girl to DEATH. If it wasnt for her I dont know where I would be right now. She's saved me on more times then I could count. ANGELIC DESTINY!! She's my Myspace Wifey!!! She's always there for me when I need someone to talk to and help clear my head. She's one of a kind and shes my pretty rave girl! Even though I never met her I would have her back no matter what! Mike B. a.k.a My First Mate. Hahaha argh me matey!! Shiver me timbers!! This guy is the best. He always has advice and he keeps me leveled sometimes when I want to kill someone. He's been there for me through thick and thin and we have some pricless jokes together! Baby Oilz!!! I don't care what anyone says, this girl is the fucking SHIT!!! We have fun in malls on lil kids rides..ok..thats just me but shes there too!! Shes a sweetheart and totally down to earth. Shes a strong person and can handle anything that comes her way. We get lost in Utah together and laugh about Jose Jalapenos! She's one of the rare girls that I could say is actually my real friend in Vegas. 2klette!!! I fucking LOVE her new york accent!!! She makes my walks home from work much easier. Some day Imma save enough money and Imma go visit her and we're gunna fuckin party damnit!! And just for her i boycotted McDonalds!!! I love her goals and views on life and I admire her even more for it. Thugalina!!!! Is one of the most wickedest chicks I know..yup yup..why? because she can beat your ass up!!! She's also always there for me when I need to vent and for that..shes mundo badass!! She's always got soemthing to say and I love how she wears her heart on her sleeve. Spooky!!! This girl puts up with so much of my shit its not even funny. She's also one of the very few girls I consider a real friend in vegas. One day we are going to open up a strip joint and call it Fat Sweaty Betty! Hahahaha, she puts up with my 2 a.m phone calls and lets me rant bout bullshit until Im tired and just laughs with me. Why? Because she's fucking awesome and I wouldnt trade her in for anything. HEATHER! Yes, another one lol. She's my drunken monkey! Lol. She also puts up with alot of my shit and me crying. She's another of my Vegas Females i love and adore and I would beat down anyone who would ever try and hurt her. She may be taller then me but Im a hell of alot meaner lol.Myspace Scroll Box Creator

My Blog

Rub a Dub Dub with the Doctor Baby Oilz

MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So for anyone who cares, BaBy OiLz slept over my house last tuesday. Yessum, mundo rapeage again. Shush Baby Oilz you liked it. lol. ANYWAYS. We went swiiiiiiiimming. How many of ...
Posted by Psychotically♥Numb[[K.C + C.C= ♥]] on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 05:51:00 PST

K.C + C.C= ♥

So I was talking to Heather tonight for a good....2 hours I think? Lol. Im so happy she found someone she loves and makes her feel liek shes on cloud nine. Like..the same way David makes me feel. I've...
Posted by Psychotically♥Numb[[K.C + C.C= ♥]] on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 03:03:00 PST

Fact: Ill fuck your shit up if you mess with whats mine.

Fiction: I care what you think about that Soooooo hahahahahaha I got this message. Funny shit right? From a 16 year old claiming MY FIANCE kissed her AT HIS HOUSE and asked her out. Hmmmm....lets see,...
Posted by Psychotically♥Numb[[K.C + C.C= ♥]] on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 05:19:00 PST

Day alone with my boo lol

So I went and Picked up Baby Oilz from work. I was like..two hours early because I took David home and it would have been pintless going home just to ocme back to this side of town to pick her up. Lol...
Posted by Psychotically♥Numb[[K.C + C.C= ♥]] on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 12:13:00 PST


So, yea. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I went to go kick it with her and Randy and Meatloaf right. Randy and Meatloaf left around 11 and we got hella boooooooooooored. So we decided to take each others lesbia...
Posted by Psychotically♥Numb[[K.C + C.C= ♥]] on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:28:00 PST

WHat goes around goes around goes around comes all the way back around....

Fuck you all who thought you could break my shine. Fuck you all who thought you could steal my happiness. You know what? You just weede dout all the assholes and shit who said they were my friends for...
Posted by Psychotically♥Numb[[K.C + C.C= ♥]] on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:58:00 PST

your aura is like toxic waste

You know those days you just wake up and EVERYTHING seems to go wrong? You're just depressed and aggravated for no reason? Yea...yippy fgor me right? I'm trying to damned hard not to bite off anyones ...
Posted by Psychotically♥Numb[[K.C + C.C= ♥]] on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 09:53:00 PST

10 facts about you and you and you! Stolen from Nicole

The idea is you pick 10 people, write down everything you've wanted to say to them.   1. You make everything about YOU and it annoys the living hell out of me. 2. You work too much and honestly...
Posted by Psychotically♥Numb[[K.C + C.C= ♥]] on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 07:02:00 PST

she cannot eat..she cannot sleep..she cannot fight back..shes too weak

I hate you. No..No i dont. but I hurt. beyond relief at the moment
Posted by Psychotically♥Numb[[K.C + C.C= ♥]] on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 07:04:00 PST

I love but hate you all.

Since when did I become made of glass? Since when did EVERYONE decide that if they tell me soemthing thats wrong with them, I'm going to hurt or kill myself because it hurts soooo bad? IM NOT THAT TYP...
Posted by Psychotically♥Numb[[K.C + C.C= ♥]] on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 09:15:00 PST