Mountain Majesty profile picture

Mountain Majesty

"Mountain Majesty": the Aldersgate UMC Praise Band

About Me

"Mountain Majesty" is the name of the "Praise and Worship" band for Aldersgate United Methodist Church. Located at the corner of Sylvania and Douglas roads, in beautiful Toledo, OH USA!!

First formed in 2004 (A.D.:-), the band has gone through many personnel changes over the years.

We are still performing to this day. You may hear us at Sunday morning worship services from time to time. (We usually perform one sunday every 3 to 4 months. Most often at the 10:45 am worship service). Please come and join us, as we sing "praises of worship" to the Lord Jesus Christ!

"Praise be to the lord, for He is Risen"!!

(the lovely Aldersgate United Methodist Sanctuary)

My Interests


Member Since: 4/15/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Current members include:

Perry Johnson - Guitar, Vox (Band coordinator)
Linda Johnson - Vox, Piano (Asst. Band coordinator)
Jim Pelton - Guitar
Judy East - Vox, Piano, Electric Piano, Organ
Jane Newmeyer - Flute, Vox, percussion (Music Director)
Bill Bradner - Drums
(For certain performances - Jason (a friend of Jane and her husband Alan (a professional drummer)) will join us on Bass guitar

AND of course, All of the Aldersgate Praise Band Singers!!

And... "where would a praise band be without a Pastor"
Our "leader", Pastor Marilynn Schroeder:

"Come, now is the time to Worship!"

Here is a video of our "Mountain Majesty" praise band performing "Peace like a River" (Written by "the Heritage Singers" - copyrighted material).

"May the peace of God be with you!" Amen.


Sounds Like: "Thank you, thank you Lord GOD Jesus!!"
Your FLOCK IS coming....just like you "said WE would"!!

Amen our Saviour!! AMEN!!
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None