Online Labels is dedicated to improving the quality of life in the communities where we live and do business. That is why we have created Labeling a Cause.
Philosophy feels it is vital for our company and employees to improve the quality of life in the communities where we live and do business. That is why, has created Labeling a Cause, a governing board that determines the need for labels to organizations that serve and enrich our communities.
We Have The Right Labels For Your Cause
Do you need labels for a charitable cause or your non-profit organization? Then Online Labels can help. We can provide your cause with name tag labels, bottle labels, address labels or any other labels you might need. We are dedicated to helping serve our community.
Labeling a Cause provides labels for programs and organizations with a current 501(c) (3) tax exempt status dedicated to improving the community as it relates to a non-profit organization's aggregate cause. Preference for support is given to organizations or programs that have the potential of providing ongoing services for a large segment of our customer base.
Eligibility will make label contributions regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Organizations requesting contributions should: Have an active and responsible board of trustees. Practice ethical publicity and solicitation methods. Provide an appropriate audit to reveal income and disbursements in reasonable detail. Demonstrate long-term financial viability. All programs and organizations requesting labels must be tax-exempt as described in both sections 501 (c) (3) or 501 (c) (6) and 509 (a) (1), 509 (a) (2) or 509 (a) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Labeling a Cause will not contribute to:Institutions that, by virtue of their charters, programs or policies, is open to a small or restricted segment of the public, including veterans, fraternal or religious organizations, except those that make their services fully available to the community on a nonsectarian basis. Individuals Tax-supported institutions Political organizations Organizations that are not qualified as tax-exempt under the Internal Revenue will not provide sales discounts or purchase advertisements in publications or programs.