Beaumont Boys Bash
Hosted by Tracy Byrd, Mark Chesnutt, and Zona Jones
• Dates
Thursday, April 23rd through Sunday, April 26th, 2009
• Benefitting Charities – Children’s Miracle Network, Netcasters Youth Ministries, the Garth House, the Boy Scouts, and the Humane Society. Children’s Miracle Network will use the proceeds to continue remodeling the NICU at CHRISTUS Hospital – St. Elizabeth.
• Events:
Thursday, April 23rd
Beaumont Boys Bash Songwriter’s Night
Pictured from 08 Bash: Mark Nessler, Mark's Mom, Michelle & Tracy Byrd
(click to enlarge)
Friday, April 24th
Beaumont Boys Bash Crawfish Boil, Concert, and Carnival
Riverfront Park
Midnight Bicycle Ride
Gulf Terrace Hike - Bike Trail
Beaumont Boys Bash Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament
Saturday, April 25th
Tracy Byrd’s Big Bass Tournament
Lake Sam Rayburn - Umphrey Family Pavilion - Jasper, Texas
Beaumont Boys Bash 5K Run / 2K Walk & Kids Walk
Tentative: Parkdale Mall
Beaumont Boys Bash Kids Fishing Tournament
Hosted by: Jerry Ball
Magnolia Park Swimming Pool
Sunday, April 26th
Zona Jones Golf Tournament
Bayou Din Golf Club
• Website:
proceeds to remodel the NICU at CHRISTUS Hospital St. Elizabeth in Beaumont.