Frenetic profile picture


About Me

Cosmin Val SANDU started composing music when he was twelve, and began playing with his first band ( Midava ) when he was sixteen. As part of his survival in the music scene, Val had to learn to play many instruments. He learnt how to play the guitar, drums and keyboards, and learnt to sing. Val has managed to focus his musical talent and his past experience into a creative music project - FRENETIC.
In the early years as a student at The Faculty of Computer Science, Statistics and Economic Information, he appeared on the national television TVR, beeing the first young man who produced a song, dedicated to the national day of his country - 1.12.1999-Romania.
Enjoying electronic music very much, he became addicted to the sounds produced by analog synthesizers. That expanded into digital sound and computers throughout the years.
The album’s production involved computers, analogue sequencers, keyboards – Access Virus TI …, creating a sound not at home in the clean digital age we are subjected to. Percussion and rhythm came from a collection of vintage drum machines heavily processed and overdubbed with manually played electronic drums. Recorded voices were left almost inaudible, disappearing into a backwash of distorted phase.
2007 All Rights Reserved.

My Interests


Member Since: 15/04/2008
Band Members:

Influences: Our music is different and special.
We have one target to overcome:


Sounds Like: Sounds like a trip into music
Like an older techno-train stuff
Like no other !

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Preseleccia pentru un interpret/o interpret continu!

Trimite-ne un demo mp3 cu o pies interpretat de tine impreun cu 3-4 fotografii prin e-mail la : [email protected] _i ai _ansa s devii colegul/colega noastr de trup.În urma preselecciei te vei...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Dec 2008 07:26:00 GMT