HMMM.... and ogf course i love the ladeez!... oh.. some guys still have a chance too!!
not you!
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? O.. LIKE PINK LEMONADE?
Color ? pURpLe!!(LIKE HAZE)
Food ? LaSaNgNa
Item of clothing ? aErO bErMuDa sHoRtS.... tHe pInK pLaId oNeS!
Meal of the day ? bReAkfAsT.. nUtRiTiOuS AND dElIcIoUs!1
Feature on yourself ? i LiKe mY sMiLe! AnD tHE tEeTh bEhInD iT!
Quality in a guy/girl ? hUmOr AND iNtEleCt!
Phrase ? i kNoW tHaTs rIgHt!! mmmHmmm
Song ? rIgHt nOw iM lOvIn tHAT nEw rHiANnA jOiNt
Musical Artist/Band ? pRiNcE
Sport ? lAcRoSsE..LOL
Movie ? fRiDaY
Radio Station ? wHIcH eVeR oNe iS pLaYin My JAAAMMMM!!
Type of Chocolate ? wHiTe.. (TEEHEE) thats an inside joke..
Eye Color ? Im bLaCk.... So GuEss!
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? NoPe
Have any piercings ? YeP
Have any tatoos ? 7
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend PrOvE It!!!
Gone skinny dipping ? PrOvE iT!!!
Been to Europe ? nah..
Been to an island ? cmon
Had stitches ? NoPe BuT IvE CaUsEd ThEm!
Broken any bones ? YeAh PlEnTY.. BuT Im FlExIblE Now
Been stabbed/shot ? NaW.. But AlMoSt
Slept until after 12:00 ? UUHH YeAh!
Stayed up all night ? Of CoUrSe.. JuS ThIs PaSt WeEkEnD!
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? PrOvE It!
Turned down a dare ? NoPe! Im BoUt It!
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? eeww
Kiss someone of the same sex ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheat on someone you love ? SeRiOuSlY?
Run away from home ? i was grown!
Lie to your parents ? What?? NeVEr i LOvE mY PaReNtS!! ;)
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? OnCe Or TwIcE
Lie to your best friend ? NaH.. ShE kNoWs Me Too WeLL
Give a homeless person money ? YeAh And FooD..
Run from the police ? RuN??
Bungee jump ? I WoUlD!
Sky dive ? Im GooD!
Cross dress ? YeS
Be an exotic dancer ? BeEn ThErE
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? LmAo!! TaNyA MaDe Me!
Scuba dive ? DoNt Do ThOEs
Go rock climbing ? YeAh
Go spulunking (caving) ? HeLL No!!
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? My NaMe Is
Bologna ? DiSgUsTiNg
Hott ? mmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee
Orange ? ThIs GiRl At My JoBs MaKe Up!.. yall know who!! lol
Real world ? I ShOulD TrY OuT FoR tHAt ShoW!
Jack ? DaNiElS... or AsS
Cucumber ? WhAt SiZe??
Hip-Hop ? AiNt DeAd!
Uniform ? PoLiCe!
UniCORN ! ? WeEd
Rainbow ? My LiFeStYlE!
Clown ? aaaaaaaaahhhhh.. ThEy FrEaK mE OuT!!!
i like it all!!! jay_z/ kelly clarkson/avril/evanescense/xcape/rhianna/justin/t.i/ cash money/ B.i.G/ pac/ corrine bailey rae/ beyonce/.. u name it.. i like it.. well except most classical and country.. sorry carrie and shania!
anything that has blood and profanity!but my all time favorite movie is crooklyn!
anything that has blood and profanity..but i must say that reality t.v is a guilty pleasure! :)
i read books to my daughter but thats about it.. like u know educational ones!
my daughter Sahaarah Kimani Mitchell!! SHE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE.. SHE COMES BEFORE ANYTHING OR ANYONE IN THIS WORLD INCLUDING MYSELF!! I say she my heroe because without her I was careless, rowdy , rebeleous and anything else u shine a negative light on.. she has change me and encouraged me to live a better life so she can have a better life than i did grown up..shout outs to my mom and dad (daddy rip.. you are my heroes as well!)