hun&eye@NAVY PIER! profile picture

hun&eye@NAVY PIER!

Make each day count...

About Me

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I created my own myspace layout using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!
Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect
Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it.
You have the confidence to make the first move.
And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best.
Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing! Are You a Good Kisser?

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

My little girly girl!! -KICHIGO- She's our newest edition to the family! We named her Kichigo with means Rasberry in japanese because she has a red coat with black dots and she just so stinkin sweet!! I love her so much!


As of right now I'm really likin this Mary Kay song!! Otherwise Jeremy Camp and Barlow Girl are my top selections! I love the messages they both send out!


MySpace Layouts

I love watching ELF - especially through the holiday season! He's so funny!! My always all time favorite is "A league of thier Own" I love the sport and it was also our movie mascott on all softball trips back in the day of 02-05! HOT FUZZ!! I went to see this movie thinking it was going to be WAY stupid but hopefully in a way like Super Troopers (which I thought was bad BUT super funny!!), BUT it was WAY better! I laughed like crazy! Of course theres THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA, which my husband is so sick I dunno I think it's the ending where she becomes the better person..i dunno I just like it!

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I got to meet them at Disney Land Yay! I miss everyone that was there with me though...Christina..Tomomi


BIBLE...I like the new testament because I love reading about Jesus. Right now I'm reading a Marriage Book and every two pages has a new theme and little story behind the theme thats from a older couple whom has been married for like 50+ years! Very insightful!


My baby nephew Matthew James!! Who will be 5 in October!! He's getting so big! My other baby nephew Tyler James!! PROUD GODMOTHER RIGHT HERE!!! Tyler turned 1 last July..I'm gettin old.. I love them with my whole heart and want to always try my best to be a good role model in their lives!Of course my husband! He saves me from evil looking spiders/bugs! haha but he really is my hero because he's always thinking of the best for me and he saves me from anything that hurts...inside and out.Jesus is always there for me, and brings peace to my heart when I need it most. He's there 24/7 and without him I would not be here. He is my hero - my savior.

My Blog

Jeremys perfectness!!

Most of you already know that I'm getting MARRIED! actually I think there are some that dont know...haha anyways yeah I'm getting MARRIED! Ok ok for those of you that know me it seems impossible for t...
Posted by hun&eye@NAVY PIER! on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:54:00 PST

Help fight against Genocide!! Please!!

I am writing to let you know about what's happening in Darfur. As you may have heard, a campaign of rape, slaughter and displacement is currently being carried out in the western region of Sudan, the ...
Posted by hun&eye@NAVY PIER! on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:30:00 PST