I have a wide variety of interest. I enjoy many outdoor activities like camping and hiking. i have recently discovered surfing but i am still below sucking. I would have to say that live music takes up as much time as i can afford to give to it.
rufas, the 13th apposal http://c.myspace.com/Groups/00006/06/89/6689860_l.gif
some of all of it, but mostly jambands like widespread panic. I have resently been listening to Michael Houser's new cd. I am also a huge buffet fan. old country, the truckers and mulew are among my favorites
I spend weeks at sea so i will watch anything i have not seen. i hate the term indie films. only some of them or better but big productions are for the masses and lets face it they are not the smartest by deffinition.
I try not to watch too much. 24 every monday and sopranos on sunday. after that mindless dribble. reality shows suck. nothing has been reality or new. maybe the first cast of realworld caught a wiff.
anything by Hemingway----- Stuwart Woods for quick reads Tom Robbins for bizzar laughs I have been reading a great book by Carl Safini (Song For A Blue Ocean)
be your own. the british navies toast for wed. " to ourselves for who else cares for our welfare" so true