Bob Kinsey for US Senate profile picture

Bob Kinsey for US Senate

About Me

The life of hundreds of thousands of species, including our own, are threatened with extinction. Our irresponsible use of chemistry and technology, the indiscriminate ballooning of consumption we call the "American Dream" and our refusal to face this unsustainable environmental footprint endanger all life on earth. Our current production methods have created a chemical/nuclear soup that is poisoning our planet and us. Real respect for Life will require our willingness to face the limits we must place on our economic system and our consumption and our population in order to take responsibity.
I believe Americans can move beyond our denial and use our reason, our science and our education to address real problems. We can re--imagine the American Dream so that it doesn't create a nightmare. The problem is that both Republicans and Democrats are beholden to corporate inertia that seeks to protect its self-interest and profits by business as usual. When Congress recently attempted to make a serious and immediate changes in the CAFÉ standards-- so the US automobile/SUV fleet would not use so much fuel -- Democrats as well as Republicans voted it down.
I believe we can change our direction in international affairs. We can move away from a course that is guided by American exceptionalism and the idea we can unilaterally determine how the rest of the world will act. This unwise course operates on the racism we are trying to erase from our own social system. International Rule of Law and respect of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights must be the path we choose to a sustainable and rewarding future. By "rewarding" I do not mean humongous profits for the few. I do not mean a life that defines itself in terms of superior quantities of toys and labor saving devices.
I mean a life that finds joy in working with others, respecting others, enjoying others as together we create ways to live in justice and peace. Yes, in this election it is possible that the Republicans could win. It is also true that their party has so far given us the most unqualified, divisive and destructive leadership in the history of our country. It has waved God and Flag to cover over huge misjudgments and lies. They have aided and abetted the largest wealth gap ever between the top 10 percent of us and the rest of us. Their only health care concern is for the health of the private corporations who sell it. And, it is also possible that the spine-less Democratic majority--which has acquiesced to all this will replace them with mild, compromised attempts to fix things.
But it is also possible we could elect a lot of folks like we Green Party candidates who recognize that Government is the only way we can turn the wheel, change course and move our society in a new, safe direction, rather than stay the course toward the reef of certain destruction.
As a Green Party candidate I pledge to vote for a single payer health care plan for all Americans. Every citizen's life deserves the respect of health care since all are exposed to the increased risks from industrial life.
Respect for Life means: re-empowering the Environmental Protection Agency to protect our water, air and food, insuring everyone a real job opportunity at a living wage. Respect for life by definition is respect for diversity. It means insuring that agriculture does not reduce the vast gene pools with monocultures. It means equal protection of all laws concerning long-term commitments, not just hetero-sexuals. It means respecting the life of all humans on the planet -- not just Americans. We must work through the United Nations to guarantee everyone protection of international law, helping enforce UN resolutions with regard to all countries. Republicans want to eliminate the United Nations and the international law it represents. Respect for Life means ending international arms sales, working to eliminate all nuclear weapons -- not just "theirs". (Colorado Republicans voted consistently to build new nukes over the past several years undermining our commitment to the Non Proliferation Treaty).
Help me to give your policies and ideas a voice in Congress. Register Green. Endorse this campaign. Pledge some time and money. This is a year when sufficient numbers of people could move to a new and vital Party and work through it for a positive future!!! Don't buy the self fulfilling prophesy that a third party vote is wasted. I created my layout at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bob Kinsey, Green Party Candidate for US Senate

Bob Kinsey, Green Party candidate for US Senate from Colorado talks about the Iraq war and the direction the US is heading. To get involved, go to- Lets' take our country back!

My Blog

Udall votes another unfunded blank check to Bush

Colorado Democrats in Congress --with the exception of Ed Perlmutter (CO-7)-- have done it again. They voted "Yes" to Bush's request for billions in supplemental Iraq War/Occupation Funding. I say the...
Posted by on Sat, 17 May 2008 16:58:00 GMT

Nukes, Nuclear Power and Human Nature--History Lesson

 Divine Providence has placed an amazing nuclear power plant approximately 93 million miles from planet earth. By so doing we are instructed that such appropriate distance is required for the saf...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 17:01:00 GMT

Colorado Democrats?? What are they about

It is my sense of it all that the reason Colorado elected Democrats in 2004/2006 was that they had real problems with "War on Terrorism". They especially had problems with war on Iraq in the name of p...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 17:02:00 GMT

Nuclear Things and Dumb Elections

Nuclear Things-And-- Its NOT a two-party system in anything but perception! The evidence that our electoral system is brokenif it has ever really worked since we boiled things down to a "two-party" s...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 17:04:00 GMT

Jobs with Justice, A Green Party Value in Action

I just had the privilege of picketing with the Immokalee workers (CIW) who are trying to get Chipotle to join McDonald's and Yum Brands working with them to improve farm labor conditions, especially f...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 17:05:00 GMT

You and your Grandchildren go about $740 Million in Debt every day to China for the War

Full Cost of War/ PER WEEK= $3.5 Billion (and&only 10% goes to pay and benefits for "our troops" (uniformed military) while $ 1.4 billion goes to war contractors to pay for bullets to bombers to merce...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 17:06:00 GMT

Building 7 and Mr. Zelikow--Wake up Folks

It is chilling to watch video of Building 7 of the World Trade Center rhythmically collapse in seconds. More so if you keep in your awareness that no plane hit it and so the excuse that high level hea...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 17:07:00 GMT

Israel, Palestine, International Law and US Foreign Policy

This noon I joined about 20 in the blowing snow at Colfax and Lincoln to express my sadness that Israel has chosen to respond to Palestinian outrage with outrageous violence using an Israeli Defense F...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 17:12:00 GMT