bird watching
teasing the dogs
chasing a string when dad ties one to Annie's tail
One of my favorite tricks to play on dad is to wait til he's really really relaxed in his recliner and drop the mega bomb in the kitty stall..........GOD you should see him launch out of the chair and run around lighting candles to clear the air before he does his duty /lmffao
Garfield, he's the only other cat that I know that loves lasagna and chili and other pasta...../licks chops
the only music to me is the sound of a can of cat food opening up /yummm
shit, I can't stay awake that long !!!
Nap Time in the most comfortable lap in the room!
All of em!!! I love books....get one out and try to read it, you'll never see a fat cat pounce on ya so quick.....something about a book that makes the purrfect matress
Annie, Aunt J, Dad