I first started getting into music when i was on deployment with the Royal Navy down in the Falkland Islands back in October 2007. I was bored with the day to day antics of being on a warship, so i borrowed my mates I- Pod, and low and behold, he had what is known as SCOUSE HOUSE on it. I Loved it from the moment i heard it, and started collecting tracks, and bought a set of Pionerr cdj 800 mk3s. I locked myself away for hours on end practasing beatmatching and all the other bits and bobs. I never got into any clubs with scouse, but i did do the odd party, and a few cds were made. I still love scouse but i jave turned my hand to Funky house to see where i can go with that. My mate Tony is also a dj so i might just get the break i need. I have a new Funky cd coming out soon called THE FUNKY SIDE OF LIFE. For my Funky Myspace just go to www.Myspace.com/sexyfunker. For more info and bookings just message me and i will try my best to get back