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Your results:
You are Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman 73%
Superman 70%
Hulk 70%
Supergirl 68%
Green Lantern 65%
The Flash 55%
Robin 53%
Catwoman 50%
Iron Man 40%
Spider-Man 35%
Batman 25% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
You Are a Rainbow
Breathtaking and rare
You are totally enchanting and intriguing
But you usually don't stick around long!
You are best known for: your beauty
Your dominant state: seducing What Type of Weather Are You?
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You Are Corona
You don't drink for the love of beer. You drink to get drunk.
You prefer a very light, very smooth beer. A beer that's hardly a beer at all.
And while you make not like the taste of beer, you like the feeling of being drunk.
You drink early and often. Sometimes with friends. Sometimes alone. All the party needs is you! What's Your Beer Personality?
Your Birthdate: May 21
You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature.
Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas.
People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life.
You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.
Your strength: Your thirst for adventure
Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures
Your power color: Hot pink
Your power symbol: Figure eight
Your power month: March What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
You're Brigitte Bardot!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
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celebrity thing

Posted by on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 14:35:00 GMT

7 sins

.. You scored as Pride. Pride88%Wrath69%Sloth69%Envy56%Gluttony44%Lust38%Greed31%Sev en deadly sins
Posted by on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 12:17:00 GMT