Myself recorded three songs with the Occasional Noodle: King Hoaxus, Pressure and Street of Thirst (actually the Occasional Noodle doesn't play on this one, but who cares?)
Myself presented the tapes to Dr. Jones, just for an opinion, and Dr. Jones said: "Why make an album when you can make remixes?".
And so, Dr. Jones disappeared with the tapes only to reppear a couple of weeks later with a CD called No Fish featuring 12 different mixes of the three original tracks.
Myself was stunned by the 12 tracks and had this idea: Wouldn't it be fun to make a band that would make remixes of their own songs and never release the original versions?
The Occasional Noodle pondered.
In the meantime, No Fish was born and they compiled the 12 remixes into three different EPs:
The King Hoaxus EP
The Pressure EP
The Street of Thirst EP
As Myself once put it: "No Fish was not a band, it was an accident". Like every accident, it only happens once.
Soon after the making of the three Eps, Dr. Jones disappeared once more, but for good this time. This pretty much put an end to it.
The Occasional Noodle returned being an occasional musician for other projects and Myself returned to his pop songs.
But the three EPs remain a testimony of No Fish sense of ... (put whatever word you'd see fit here) and thanks to the virtual miracle worker, they can now be presented to you via this humble page.
Don't look, don't ask, don't beg, don't kill for hard copies of either one of the three Eps, there aren't simply none.
BUT you can buy the digital versions of the three EPs, right there on your left. It's only 4€ a piece.