victoria profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Not sure what to say About Me at this stage - probably 'cos I've just come back from dinner and am full and want my bed. Here it goes... I'm from Cape Town, South Africa and have been living in NY for 4 and a half years. I completed my Masters at NYU in Drama Therapy. Definitely too tired and full to explain what that is but I will say that it is NOT therapy for actors!! Currently working with patients with traumatic brain injury facilitating group and individual therapy sessions, combining psychotherapy with art, drama, music and play as a medium for healing. I love the Big Apple and hope to stay on for as long as possible. All my peeps (you know who you are ... :) ) make it all worth it. Being far away has it's perks but I do miss my parents, 5 sisters and bro', niece and nephew... But, you gotta do you what you gotta do - that's deep. Onwards and upwardsThink that's all for now. I trust (and hope) that this About Me will change soon 'cos I'm sure it sux. Until then, here it is...

My Interests

My father's stories; Laughing so hard and pee a bit in my pant; cleaning my ears; sudoku; spider solitaire; picking my niece up from school - actually, anything to do with my niece and nephew; Dowgie dowgs! Anything cultural (trying to get into at least one cultural thing every weekend). Eating out - yum. What makes different people 'tick'. There's other stuff but I have to think.

I'd like to meet:

Birthday: september 22nd.Birthplace: cape town, south africa.Current Location: manhattan, ny.Eye Color: blue.Hair Color: dirty blonde - u too can have this color.Height: i'm gonna say 5'3'' - 5'5''.Right Handed or Left Handed: righty.Your Heritage: russian/ polish (no jokes, now, lol)/ british.The Shoes You Wore Today: flipflops (i won't let summer go).Your Weakness: cheese.Your Fears: something bad happening to my family.Your Perfect Pizza: giovanni's thin crust w/ pepporoni/sausage.Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: to make my patients' lives a bit better.Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: fab.Thoughts First Waking Up: it's so long before i can get back into bed.Your Best Physical Feature: um, PG - 13?? i'll go with eyes.Your Bedtime: 12ish.Your Most Missed Memory: can't remember.Pepsi or Coke: coke.MacDonalds or Burger King: neither.Single or Group Dates: either.Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton lemon.Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate.Cappuccino or Coffee: coffee.Do you Smoke: no.Do you Swear: f**k yea.Do you Sing: i've been known to sing a tune or two.Do you Shower Daily: yes - gotta keep them 'pits shiny.Have you Been in Love: yes.Do you want to go to College: PhD eventually.Do you want to get Married: dunno.Do you believe in yourself: i have my days.Do you get Motion Sickness: yes.Do you think you are Attractive:i ain't no 'butter face'.Are you a Health Freak: no.Do you get along with your Parents: yes.Do you like Thunderstorms: love them.Do you play an Instrument: can tinkle a bit on the piano.In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no.In the past month have you Smoked: no.In the past month have you been on Drugs: no.In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes.In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes.In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no but don't ask me about choc. chip cookies ;o).In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yes.In the past month have you been on Stage: yes.In the past month have you been Dumped: no.In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: yes.In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no.Ever been Drunk: it's all a tad hazy but i think so ;o).Ever been called a Tease: maybe.Ever been Beaten up: no.Ever Shoplifted: yes but it was just an eraser and i was really young.How do you want to Die: uh, still PG-13? then i'll go with 'in my sleep'.What do you want to be when you Grow Up: hopefully 'being' it already.What country would you most like to Visit: australia/ new zealand.In a Boy/Girl..Favourite Eye Color: blue/ dark brown.Favourite Hair Color: dark.Short or Long Hair: short.Height: 5'6'' and up.Weight: bigger than me.Best Clothing Style: can go 'clean cut' or 'sweats'.Number of Drugs I have taken: oohh... uuhh... hard to say...Number of CDs I own: dunno.Number of Piercings: 3.Number of Tattoos: 0.Number of things in my Past I Regret: no regrets.


Anything from Handl to Def Leppard; Britney Spears to Hotel Costes; Pavarotti to Andreas Vollenweider.


Love a good drama maybe with a li'l romance thrown in there (yup, I'm a gal) - Message in a Bottle, Sliding Doors. Thrillers - The Others; Seven. Comedy - old comedy like Top Secret, Fawlty Towers, The 'Burbs, Protocol, Weird Science; more recently, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Gosford Park... could go on and on... but I won't... :o)


Discovery Health, Friends, Weeds, Platinum Wedding *sniff*, Flight of the Conchords, Discovery Channel, NGC, History Channel


For 'fun', I tend to go for dark, depressing real life stories about physical abuse and addiction - barrel of laughs before a bit o' shut-eye ;o). About to start a book called Auschwitz... good times. Anything 'Bill Bryson' to LAUGH A LOT!! A sucker for a good thriller and, the never-failing, romance novel by, for example, Joanna Trollope. Others I can think of... um... if anyone's even reading down this far... Annie Sebold's "The Lovely Bones" and "Lucky"; Viktor Frankl; Elie Wiesel; Yalom; Rumi; Langston Hughes; Lebagong Mashile


My father; Mandela - come on, I had to write him down; Hugh Heffner; Emma - my niece; war victims and survivors (only if they were on my side); anyone who puts their heart to good use.