~Morella~ profile picture


haunted by the ghosts of many hopes...

About Me

UPDATE: I may be offline for awhile since I need to re-install and upgrade Windows; hopefully I'll be online again soon!
I am overjoyed to have found one of my most treasured friends from NY (who just happens to be one of the most exquisitely talented and inspired musicians currently residing on this planet.. YES!) Please give yourself the priceless gift of listening to Jerico of the Angels and click on his pic to visit his myspace page..
"It was a long and gloomy night that gathered on me, haunted by the ghosts of many hopes, of many dear remembrances, many errors, many unavailing sorrows and regrets." Dickens
The Fifth Circle is the local Gothic scene in Asheville, please check out their site and sign up for the mailing list (you can also take part in the website forums).
~ Namaste ~ I'm drawn to the unusual, the imaginative and the beautiful, as well as those who reflect and have the courage and will to find or make their own path. I've been gothic forever, and although the melancholy has overtaken the optimistic side of my nature, I still have a mischievous and sometimes dark sense of humour.
In a former lifetime I was hostess of Vampyre Dreams , a public access tv show that ran several years in the NYC metro area (and inspired my first ever website). I have my dear former partner Asif to thank for some of the happiest years of my life, making oodles of friends and fans in the goth/vamp clubs and meeting/interviewing incredibly talented musicians & bands, artists, performers, drag queens and assorted eccentric performers & creative denizens of manhattan's nightlife (as well as one convicted murderer: Michael Alig , the king of the club kids so brilliantly brought to life in the movie 'Party Monster', which is based on the book 'Disco Bloodbath' by the FABULOUS James St. James ! ) Asif's new show is Vampyre Lounge , he's on myspace , and I wish him all the success and happiness this world has to offer...
So now I find myself living with my family in the wondrous Smoky Mtns near Asheville , NC, figuring out what sort of life I want to make for myself. I spend a lot of time thinking about getting on with my self-realization, clearing out old emotional baggage so I can be less sad and more excited about life's possibilities and becoming the person I want to be. Spiritual and creative pursuits mean a lot to me, and I'm currently focusing on writing after too long an absence. I practice yoga off and on and would like to start meditating soon.
Since my teens I've been vegetarian, practiced yoga off and on, and embraced the concepts of reincarnation and karma, as well as various Eastern religions and teachings. Until recently I called myself a theosophist with some neo-pagan beliefs. Alas, since reading up on many various cults the past few years, I have become quite disillusioned with pretty much every spiritual type group I know of, including several that I spent many years admiring and absorbing much of their ideas and teachings. Reluctantly I have come to view many of the beliefs encompassed in the various 'New Age' schools of thought with skepticism, and the majority of the teachers and people in power with suspicion and in many cases, disgust. I now realize that if I find certain beliefs appealing because I would like them to be true, this is not sufficient reason to decide I will believe them.
I strongly urge anyone who has interest or faith in any Eastern guru to read the inside unpublicized info on this site. All the famous ones are revealed in all their malignant narcissism including the popular American guru authors/cult leaders Adi Da, Andrew Cohen, & Ken Wilber, the diabolical sexual predator Sai Baba, the terrifyingly powerful & wealthy Church of Scientology, the ancient corrupted Roman Catholic Church, and alas, even the Dalai Lama is not what he seems...
I've always had an affinity for the gothic, the dark, and the mysterious (hence my lifelong fascination with vampires ). Calling myself a vegetarian vampyre is only partly in fun, and I'm bi-curious rather than bisexual. I've figured out my own beliefs and ideas about the nature of life and the universe (still in progress of course), and I like discussing such things with others who are freethinkers and open-minded. Bravo to all those who struggle to be free of the pervasive cultural conditioning surrounding us & to think for themselves!
( Are you still the religion you were indoctrinated into as a child? tsk tsk.. at least try to Wake Up a little ~ you are a spirit living in a material world! We may have all of Eternity to find our way, but every moment is inconceivably precious, so don't let fear rob you of any of your journey. )
January 19th was the 199th anniversary of the birth of the greatest and most influential poet and author of the English-speaking world, the immortal Edgar Allan Poe. Every year since 1949 his grave is visited by the secretive and mysterious Poe Toaster in the early morning hours 'twixt midnight and dawn. As always, he left three roses and drank a toast of cognac to the man who enriched the world with his brilliant dark imaginings. The world repaid Poe with a life of poverty, despair, and rejection; and in a final cruel twist of fate, Poe was found dying in a gutter, wearing clothes not his own, in his 40th year. What exquisite irony, that Poe was in the process of achieving his lifelong dream, that of editing his very own literary magazine. He was also recently engaged to his childhood sweetheart, whose father had put an end to their young romance, now a well-to-do widow. For the first time Poe would enjoy a life free of want and financial hardship, a life shared with one he held in the tenderest regard, one who had loved him before the world knew of his genius. Alas, it was not to be: Poe succumbed four days later without ever regaining awareness enough to cast any light upon the final mystery of his most untimely demise. Who knows what wondrous stories, what sublime poetry, what thrilling novels or plays he might have given us, had he not been snatched away so terribly, so tragically before his time.
Someday, I vow, I shall travel to Baltimore to take part in the vigil!
Here are links to two excellent webpages about the mysterious Poe Toaster ~ This is the best photograph I could find of the gentleman paying his respects at Poe's grave ~ to read news of his most recent visit, click Poe Toaster ...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People in my area who share my interests or who find me fascinating... *smirk*. I would like to devote more time to literary and spiritual pursuits... Whenever I do yoga I feel so much more balanced and on top of my life, so why is it so hard for me to stick to what feels so right?

I really miss horseback riding, so if you have access to horses and want someone to ride with, please get in touch with me! This is the longest I've ever gone without riding so I'm dreadfully out of practice, but I used to own my own horse (a thoroughbred - quarter horse crossbreed). I also taught riding at a girl scout camp one summer after taking a 3-month course in equitation & dressage, then worked as a groom where I was fortunate enough to get to ride Paso Finos (the smoothest easiest ride to be had on horseback!)

My Blog

My first rant: "The dark side of faith"

Yesterday my recent friend Rory Lewis commented on my page about the recent brouhaha surrounding the publication in denmark & france of a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed with a timebomb ti...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 22:47:00 GMT

Happy Birthday Edgar! (2nd day fasting, yay)

The first day of my fast was pretty easy, but today I am DEFinitely thinking about food, haha. I don't know yet how long I'll go ~ we are going to see my brother's new play in Brevard this Sat, Run fo...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 18:40:00 GMT

Fasting, Veganism, Religion, oh my!

Preface: My mid is finally playing, yay! You are listening to 'Stain' by Keith Bragg, formerly of endofline.com ~ Well, I have yet to actually start doing yoga; I've been taking it easy and recuper...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 00:03:00 GMT

My New Year's Resolutions

Well I finally succumbed to the lure of the online journal, mainly because I hope that if I write my resolutions down in a public forum, perhaps even get some feedback, I will be more likely to stick ...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 23:56:00 GMT