Turn Your Niche Into a Network
As I continue to develop the msoy network through expanding the Search Urban Directory and building Social Communities like Black Business Women Online, I get more and more emails from individuals interested in starting their own networks eager to find out how I created my own. With these individuals in mind I decided to dedicate my most recent e-book to explaining how individuals can create their own directories, blogs, or social networking communities without having any technical experience or the money to finance a large web project. I wanted to create a guide that was useful to many entrepreneurs out there like myself, wanting to build something positive and productive on the web, but having no clue as to where to begin.
My latest e-book, entitled ' Turn Your Niche into a Network ' is an easy how to guide that any one can read and learn from.
Whether you are looking to create a site for profit or pleasure, my how to guide explains how you can do so by utilizing various free online services and seeking out creative marketing opportunities. Granted, there is no real secret behind building your own directory or starting a network on popular sites like ning.com. But there is a secret to how to best utilize these online services. There is a great deal that many are interested in learning about promoting a blog the right way, setting up an online directory, or even adding unique features to your own ning network.
In this e-book, I basically walk the reader through how I created my own website networks and the various free online services that I utilize every day. From generating housands of unique visitors to my main site msoyonline.com every month to starting a ning social group with over 1,000 members or creating blogs that are featured in the first pages of google (like my Black Parenting Blog), this guide is simply a journal of personal experiences translated into useful tips and tools which you can use to develop your own network.
Some interesting topics in the guide include how to successfully use affiliate programs on your websites, how to create a directory without being a web programmer, and how to customize your ning social network in new and creative ways like adding your own book store or web directory, and discovering new ways to generate additional income through your networks.
In a nutshell my new e-book, ' Turn Your Niche into a Network ' is the perfect tool for individuals looking to become 'Information Entrepreneurs' and share their knowledge, products, or services with the online community at large by creating networks on which users can both learn from and interact with others. Its a lot of great information crammed into one little e-book worth taking advantage of. No need to search for articles and tips online, download a copy of ' Turn Your Niche into a Network ' and get started doing just that!
Download here: http://store.payloadz.com/go?id=115551
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