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I am here for Friends

About Me

more prominent interests: matt. our 31 babies. animals. answers. aquariums. art. atheism. babies. balance. banter. barbeques. being barefoot. being engaged. being inspired. being involved. being outside. board games. bondage. capitalism. carl sagan. castles. cemeteries. chrismas lights. clove cigarettes. (the) constitution. creativity. critical thinking. cussing. dancing. death. dnd. eager minds. education. epiphanies. evolution. experimentation. family. feeling infinite. fortitude. freedom. fucking. (the) future. gaming. geek sheik. genetics. getting away with things. honor. imagining. independence. independent thinking. inspiring. intellectuals. intelligence. (the) internet. justice. kids. knowledge. laughter. learning. libertarianism. liberty. libraries. logic. love. loyalty. lust. making out. memoirs. music. nudity. numbers. (the) ocean. options. people. personal exploration. piercings. pride. privacy. questions. rationality. reading. reason. record players. researching. richard dawkins. richard linklater. ron paul. rough sex. science. self-understanding. sensuality. sex. silence. sincerity. singing. solitude. socializing. surprises. tattoos. teaching. technology. thai tea. thomas jefferson. trust. truth. wikipedia. words. worthwhile conversation. writing.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

more meaningful friendships.

My Blog

hedonism sucks.

Everything is fucking boring me right now.I hate my hedonism.I go around hunting after anything I want. I dont recommend hedonismto anyone. The pursuit is ceaseless and perpetual. Everyone willeventu...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 14:18:00 GMT