I believe that many people who are driving behind the wheel of a car aren't always thinking about what could happen to them while driving,they are thinking what they believe wont happen to them. It's sad to say that they have that "wake up call" when they actually loose someone close to them.. We have got to lower the accident rate some how.. We have to start thinking ahead, stop speeding, drinking and driving,talking on cell phones while driving or anything else that impairs your driving abilities. The highest rate of accidents are new teen drivers. Teen drivers like to "show off" as they would call it and try and have fun behind the wheel of a car but cars are "death traps" and things happen to people just like you everyday for not being careful. The most important part is not only be safe for your own well being but for others around you. Think about who you could hurt while driving or who could hurt you, also think about how your family and friends would feel if they were to loose you or if you were seriously hurt in an accident. You may believe that you are the best driver, even if that's true, other people don't always drive as well as you. Keep in mind your a person just like everyone else and you can make mistakes and sometimes those simple mistakes can cost your life or anyone else's life. I have lost many people in car accident's and seen what it does to their family and friends and its not pleasent. It's extremely sad and devastating. All I ask is if we can all atleast try and make driving more safe for yourself and others.