Ed Wolfe profile picture

Ed Wolfe

About Me

At the conclusion of thirty-eight wonderful years as an instrumental music teacher, one begins to wonder which direction lies ahead. Returning to the life-style that was so enjoyable in formative years is proving to be exciting and rewarding. There is a vast number of quality music creators to meet as well as some very accomplished musicians. The opportunity to re-acquaint oneself with some friends from the past is also very satisfying.Born in Albuquerque, NM just after WWII, afforded excellent opportunities for learning from some outstanding music educators including Leslie Somerville, Wallace Cleveland, Dr. Kurt Frederick, Dr. Walter Keller, Dr. Bill Seymour, James Whitlow, James Thornton and Morton Schoenfeld.Graduating from the University of New Mexico with a B.M.E. degree and accepting a teaching assistantship while completing an M.M. degree in composition led to a long and satisfying career in Music Education for the Albuquerque Public Schools and the Bonita Unified School District in Southern California.Revisiting the composition of Chamber Music is now becoming the challenge and direction of a long and developing career in music. Among the many works completed and in progress are:CompositionsThree Short Pieces (Trumpet in C & Bassoon) / March 1968, Canticle for Horns (Horn Quartet) / April 1968, Trio for Flute, French Horn and Violin / May 1968, Sonata for Oboe and Piano / June 1968, Our Band Plays for Beginning Band / October 1969, Promise (Choir and Alto Flute) – poem by George Wm. Russell / May 1970, Chancon (Choir) / July 1971, Caverna (Full Orchestra) / May 1973, Quintet for Brass / May 1976, Esoteric Dances for Esoteric Folks (Esoteric Jazz Ensemble) / October 2006, Modal Moods (Trio for Flute, Trumpet, and Piano) / December 2007, Teton Sketches (Chamber Orchestra) / May 2008, Formations (Wind Ensemble) / June 2008, String Quartet / July 2008.Projects in Progress: Blogs and Articles on www.edwolfemusic.com are called "Notes for the Noteworthy". Check them out!It is indeed an exciting time in life and the creation of future Chamber Works is, once again becoming a passion and goal.I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)

My Interests


Member Since: 13/04/2008
Band Website: www.edwolfemusic.com
Band Members: Edward William Wolfe II (ASCAP, ASMAC, MENC, SCSBOA, IAJE, CMEA, Chamber Music America, American Composer's Forum).
Influences: John Paynter; Clifton Williams; Dr. Kurt Frederick; Dr. Walter Keller; Ed Treutle; Maestro Arturo Toscanini; Richard Strauss; Maurice Andre; Clark Terry; Miles Davis; Paul Hindemith; Alan Hovannes; Aaron Copland; Igor Stravinsky; Sergei Prokofiev; Giovanni Gabrieli; J.S. Bach; W.A. Mozart; L.V. Beethoven; Richard Wagner; Gustav Mahler; Ralph Vaughan Williams; Robert Frost; Ottorino Respighi; Gustav Holst; Walter Piston; Count Basie; Johnny Mandel; Bill Holman; John Cheetham and M.E.G. Wolfe.
Sounds Like: A culmination of study, performance and teaching rolled into imagination, craftsmanship and love.
Record Label: edwolfemusic
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Remembering Roger

Roger in High SchoolEd Wolfe One of the first students I met upon arriving on campus at San Dimas High School was Roger Burn. Being verbally outgoing and perhaps not too subtle, the conversation wen...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 11:30:00 GMT

Temecula article this AM

This article was posted online this morning about the premier: "For much of his professional life, Ed Wolfe has been making musical notes about the things he sees much the way anyone else would jot re...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 15:38:00 GMT

Updates to Composition Discussions from my other sites.

The Art of Creating Music     If one can accept the premiss that education is the essential condition at the base of all of the arts, it follows that the work of art itself would necessarily...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 22:45:00 GMT

Teton Sketches

May 22, 2008 Teton Sketches Ed Wolfe Background: Warren Gref and I first met when he came to the University of New Mexico as the new horn instructor. I was working on my M.M. degree in composition w...
Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 11:02:00 GMT

Back to Writing

OK....So I spent the last thirty eight years educating young minds about the wonders of music and enjoying going to work every morning, and upon retirement I'm finding out that a bunch of new stuff ...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:02:00 GMT


After attending the EXPO Thursday-Saturday and attending the Wednesday night Pop Music Awards, I have come home with a new sense of direction and a deeper energy than I previously enjoyed. Although th...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 14:33:00 GMT