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About Me

Shirley Woody Hum. 1 TTH Born Jan. 3, 106 Arpinun (modern-day Arpino) a hill town 100 kilometers (70) miles south of Rome. Married Terentia probably at the age or 27, in 79 BC.,later in 46 BC. Cicero remarried. He married a young girl, named Publilia. That marriage didn't last long. Out of both marriages both were very jealous. Cicero and Terentia has two children: A daughter named-Tullia Ciceronis and a son named-Marcus Tullius Cicero Minor. Cicero was an extremely talented student. He was granted the oportunity to study Roman law under Quintus.In his youth, he tried his hand at poetry, but his love was for phylosophy. He received the Roman equivalant of an Ivy League education, studying rhetoric and philosophy in Rome, Athens, and Rhodes. He was elected consu, at the lowest legal age, and the first man for thirty years to gain a position in the political office.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Cicero travelled to Athens, where he met Atticus, who became an honorary citizen of Athens

My Blog


..TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"> I think if I was alive today, I would try my best to be the best polition. That's what I think Cicero, would tell me today. Shirley and Cicero could...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 17:12:00 GMT