Money is a fake to control you: The federal reserve money trust
Zeitgeist the movie - spanish subtitles:
...for dutch subtitles click:
Zeitgeist the movie - dutch version
...for translated german version click:
Zeitgeist - full german version
FEMA Concentration Camps for citizens - ready to collect prisoners after 2012 to be domesticated or worse
Find out more about FEMA Concentration Camps and what the FEMA really is
What do you know about RFID-Microchips?
RFID Technology makes it possible to detect and track goods, vehicles persons and every object that exists all over the globe.
Do you know why there are unnecessary (and for you undetectable) doses of silicium and silver inside vaccines for your children? The silicium and silver particles don..t store personal data by now, but as contrast chemicals they let you be seen through the wall more easily by their special cameras...
Find out more about RFID and learn how it works ...some years in the future you maybe would like to know how to get the chips out of your body for not being caught by the slave masters... ...once the technology is implanted in everybody all remaining data will be set under secure and no longer available to the public!
the microchip
Infos about miniature RFID-Tracking devices
Save every video on RFID, on how to survive in the wilderness, how to grow food and how to hide yourself from the security agencies owned by the rich people. will need them soon and the major stations will delete all helpful informations for the public very soon because of fake national security interests.
Print out everything you can because there will be no access to any education left for the poor after the upcoming events during the next years.
And of course the brainwashed cops and weapon loving military will be the dogs of the rich devil once again, like always in history
Martial Law (1 of 3)
Martial Law (2 of 3)
Martial Law (3 of 3)
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely
If you were a gang leader or the chief of a big family clan, do you think it is possible within 500 years to bring your fellows in all major positions in politics and economy? Would you try to gain control over every kind of public information? Would you try to make people obey and see you as a god?
The illuminati network, the masonic lodges and the jesuit order are just three big parts of the puzzle and even members of the groups they plan to erase in future like from the islamic world or black organisations serve them today because most people are very greedy and would sell their own mother for a piece of ass and gold.
Religion is a fake and every war between religious groups is staged to keep you away from seeing that the enemies of a free mankind are not the fanatics but the rich elites who don..t have any religious belief at all.
Always do your own researches in any directions.
Every religious group and political party in the world has always tried to form the whole world after their ideals and with the most freedom to do what they want without being judged for their crimes. Why else there exists diplomatic immunity for politicians? Should they not be responsible for what they do as humans? Does this mean the most things decided in politics are against the law and humanity?
Whoever is able to give information, is also able to have an interest he does not talk about, just like me.
Don..t trust anyone but only your heart and you will see, that you already know everything and who is good or evil. If you serve the wrong ones you know already and do it by your free will, but the question is if you want a free mankind and your children not to be brainwashed and enslaved? Do you serve a company that polutes the planet? Is there blood on your hands?
You..ll never know what are the real backgrounds and intentions of those who produce written information and videos on a regular basis.
Read between the lines!!!
Question everything, research for authors, their relationship to religious groups, critical voices against them, who are they related to and never the less have in mind that big organisations always hired reporters and filmmakers to bring people away from the truth to cover their real goals. Of course there is a certain amount of truth inside their statements, but sometimes just to verify the misinformation and the diversion. The three major information networks are definitely no friends of truth, but the alternative media could also be a total fake. The elites always sacrificed their mebers when it comes to the truth being discovered. Neither George Bush is innocent, nor he is the head of the evil forces, although he is a very high ranked member of the clan.
Therefore, every single movie on this page could also be used to disinform you and lead you to a specific and constricted way of thinking. Always think twice on a theme for yourself !!!
This site does not give you the truth but it shall help you to see how easily information can be found on the internet if you are interested in any theme.
The right answer always is inside the right question.
If you are interested, I suggest some (intuitive) combined search terms here:
- Bush and Nazi
- Bush and religion
- Bush and Clinton
- Clinton and jesuit
- Clinton and Waco
- Jesuit and Temple of people (Jim Jones and CIA)
- Alex Jones and CIA / Alex Jones and jesuit
- Michael Moore and CIA
- Who owns the media
- Great Britain and new world order
- The 12 tribes of israel
- The Queen, Jews and Egypt
- The Empire of the City
- Underground bases and underwater bases
- FEMA camps and concentration camps
- Nikola Tesla and weapons
- The HAARP-Project
- The great pyramid and antenna system
- Planet Nibiru and 2012
- Vortex energy and the knights templar