*love butter*hate oil*love to swim*funny*great friend*love chicken*hate chunk light tuna*wild*playful*young at heart*HATE cold*love warm thunder storms*love the beach*would like to live on a boat for a while*love to travel*loud music*believe in God*hate thick fries*love fast food*enjoy work outs*hate socks in bed*love to paint*hate wet feet or hands*enjoy hot baths*dis-likes showers*brush teeth with warm water*do not drink coolade*hate soda pop*love plays*enjoy listening to old people*love being free,but want to be caged*enjoy painting rooms*hate ugly skeakers*wonder what it would be like to be a man*I want children*I want to adopt*I have big dreams*I hate sleeping*I must be around animals*birds and fish are cool but I eat them( sorry)*I love helping others be happy*I am rough*sweet*silly as hell*I motivate people, but hard to motivate myself*I have not grown up and do not plan on it anytime soon*I hate getting older*I love Keanu Reeves( he is my hero)*Can only sleep with humming noise of some sort*Hate complete silence*love to look at my own eyes*enjoy bird watching*love to hang out with my mommy*big skirts are stupid looking to me*I hate when girls wear baggy t-shirts*loud men in bars irritate me*loud girls in bars are fun*I enjoy watching people for hours*I hate dirty car windows*I over use window washer*
* Street Kings Trailer *