Sexuality : Straight
Profession : Unemployed
Marital Status : Single
Perfect Partner : Someone special who loves me for who i am
Makes Me Sad : Being bored and having no money
Cigarettes : I smoke
Alcohol : I drink most nights
Drugs : If your offering :P
Bad Habits : getting angry and punching stuff
Message from kerry: i am the cat that jumped over the stream :D
I love my kerry baby so much, she means everything in the world to me.
Goodbye, sweet love of my life,
losing you cuts as deep as a knife,
I know I did you wrong and things weren't right,
but I loved you girl, more than life.
Goodbye, sweet love of my life,
I hope he loves you like I do,
and everything turns out right,
alone I'll stay with my memories of you,
goodbye sweet love,
goodbye and good night...
If you like me, then the majority of the time i will like not the most exciting person to be with but i doesnt bother me that i dont make ppl laugh cos i make mydelf laugh most of the time...
Which Skins Character Are You? Your Result: You are... Sid
Down-in-the-dumps but basically good at heart, you're too easily led by your friends. When you're really yourself, people love you all the more for it.
You are... Michelle
You are... Tony
You are... Chris
You are... Jal
You are... Cassie
Which Skins Character Are You?
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